Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Šta radiš? What are you doing?

Take a look at the previous blogpost and let's try to explain why (ZAŠTO) we are waiting for someone or something.

Čekamo mamu da idemo u prodavnicu.

We are waiting for my mum to go to the shop.

Now. Let's do it together using 'we' (MI):

1. Čekamo autobus da idemo u Beograd.

2. Čekamo tatu da idemo na pijacu. (market)

3. Čekamo priljatelje da idemo na ručak. (lunch/dinner)

4. Čekamo rođake (relatives) da idemo na izlet. (picnic)

5. Čekamo decu (kids) da idemo na sajam. ( fair)

6. Čekamo roditelje (parents) da idemo u galeriju porcelana. (porcelain gallery)

Audio by Ivan

***** Now, you try the same but imagine you are talking about your friends :o)

Example: (Oni) čekaju mamu da idu u prodavnicu.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Šta vidiš? (What can you see?)

Šta vidiš? (What can you see?)

NOGA = leg, RUKA = arm, KOSA = hair

vidim... rukU
Vidim... kosU.


OBRAZ = cheek, NOS = nose, OKO= eye

Vidim obraz. Vidim nos. Vidim oko.

To practise Plural forms click SkolaSrpskog

To listen to the pronunciation click our TalkGroup
To practise a little bit on your own, tell me what they can see, and check the answers in our Talk Group. Feel free to record your own answer :o)

Oni vide...
KUĆA (house), DRVO (tree), ZVUČNIK (loudspeaker), KAMERA (video cam), STOLICA (chair), STO (table), DETE (child)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Šta čekaš? Koga čekaš?

Šta čekaš? = What are you waiting for?

Čekam ...
... autobus

... voz

... avion

Koga čekaš? = Who are you waiting for?

TATA= dad, MAMA=mum, ĆERKA= daughter

Čekam tatu.

Čekam mamu.

Čekam ćerku.

PRIJATELJ=friend, BRAT = brother, KONOBAR = waiter

Čekam prijatelja.

Čekam brata.

Čekam konobara.

Now, it's your turn... Who is he waiting for? He is waiting for...

Sada je red na vas... Koga on čeka? On čeka...

baba (granny), deda (grandpa), drug (friend), sestra (sister), šef (boss), dečko (boyfriend), devojka (girlfriend)

For the key, check the comments tomorrow
For the Plural Version, check SkolaSrpskog
For pronunciation, check our Talk Group at VoxoPop

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Šta čuješ ? What can you hear?

Let's learn the following words in context:

piano = taj klavir,
sea = to more,
bell = to zvono,
clock = taj sat,

violin =ta violina
guitar = ta gitara
song = ta pesma

So, let's see what happens with the noun after the verb

Šta čuješ? Čujem...

... more
... zvono

... sat

Šta ona čuje? (What can she hear?)
Ona čuje...

... gitaru

... violinu

... pesmu

Now, you try the same with 'ON'' (HE) "Šta on čuje? ..." and record it via VoxoPop

Saturday, August 21, 2010

What is it? Šta je ovo?

It looks like...

Meni izgleda kao neka lopta.
Meni liči na neku loptu.

Meni izgleda kao
kugla sladoleda.
Meni liči na
kuglu sladoleda.

Izgleda mi kao galerija.
Liči mi na galeriju.

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