Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Serbian Lesson 4 for Pre-intermediate Level

I'm sure that now you are much more confident in using the Locative case to express where you are:
Last time you practised the Locative with the verbs:
  • govoriti = to speak
  • živeti = to live 
In this fourth lesson at pre-intermediate level of Serbian, you are going to discover that the Dative case  which combines with the verbs describing movement, like "going towards" = ići ka, has the same form as the Locative, which is awesome!
Before we do this fun exercise (in my classes my students and I play this language game), let me remind you of the conjugations for the new verb, which we'll need in this lesson:
  • ići = to go
We'll need the imperative form "go", which can be used :
  • formally: "idite ka" ("go towards" with Vi)
  • informally: "idi ka" ("go towards" with ti)

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Serbian Lesson 4 - Learn Serbian for 365 Days

If you are a real beginner in Serbian, make sure you don't miss the previous lessons at this level, before you start preparing yourself to connect the previous knowledge (The verb TO BE) and Serbian adjectives with the following lesson which will be about the Greetings in Serbian:

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Learn Serbian Phrases - dan dvadeseti

In the previous posts you could practise the phrases for giving directions. Today, I came across this great video which can help you learn the language of instructions, when talking about exercises. It's useful to revise the body parts first:

and then to enjoy watching and listening to the video below:

Serbian Phrases free e-book

  • First, you can do these exercises with your eyes closed, only by listening to her
  • Then, you can watch the video and do the exercise, checking if you understood her well
  • Finally, you can do this follow-up exercise I made for you

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Learn Serbian 365 Days with Songs and Poems- Day 19

Although this poem is not written by a Serbian, but a Russian poet, I'm sure you'll enjoy listening to Rade Šerbedžija, our renowned actor, and his uniqe interpretation :)

This poem is perfect for getting to know the verb "to wait" and its

  • imperative form "čekaj"
  • the pronouns following it "čekaj + me"
  • the word order: Čekaj me vs. Samo me čekaj dugo
  • parts of speech: čekati (infinitive) čekanje (noun)
  • conjugations

Friday, March 01, 2013

Learn Serbian 365 Days - Detective Story, part 2

Serbian Language 365 days
Убиство у радној соби
Part 1: Where are they ?

Now that you are aware of who the main characters of the first detective story are, let's move onto the second phase of solving this mysterious case!
  • Do exercise 1 in order to figure out if you solved the first task correctly
  • Watch the video below, before doing the exercise 2 in order to understand what had happened on the day Đorđe Belić was murdered and where the main characters were at that moment.
  • If you have any questions regarding this case, feel free to ask them in the comments section.

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