Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Monday, July 30, 2018

Serbian Language with Vicevi

Vic in Serbian means a joke.

Telling easy jokes makes learning a language fun and easy. That's why I am sharing with you the first two parts of a very long joke which has some of the most frequently used verbs:
  1. otvoriti = to open
  2. zatvoriti = to close
  3. staviti = to put
  4. izvaditi = to take out
In the first video you can watch the Present tense version of this story with an explanation and translation:

In the second video lesson you can see how you can change the same joke, so it has the same meaning, but you practice the Accusative and Genitive cases without noticing it :D

If you want to support me creating video lessons of Serbian, you are welcome to join my Patron page:) 

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