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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Characteristics in context

TO BE & ADJECTIVES for different genders

Adjectives describing Masculine nouns in Sg (Singular) take no endings (on je bogat), while the same adjectives describing Fem. Sg nouns take -a (ona je bogata), while with Sg. Neuter nouns the ending is -o (bogato selo). Plural, masc. adj. take an -i ending (ljudi su bogati), fem. adj. take -e (žene su lepe), and neuter adj. take -a (deca su visoka). In some cases, there are some changes in pronunciation, with adjectives ending in -N, or -K, for example (on je gladan - ona je gladna) - but there will be a special post on that subject.

For the sake of clarity, let's do a simple exercise with adjectives which have no pronunciation changes. The answer key is in the comment. If you want me to record the answer, just drop me a line.

A Short Adjective Story:

Andrew is tall. He is very handsome. His wife Lilly is also tall and pretty.
They have a son, called Tom. He is very good. They are now at home. Their house is big, because they are rich. Their dog Ava is very old and lazy.

1 comment:

Marina said...

Andrew is tall.ANDREJ JE VISOK. He is very handsome. ON JE VRLO LEP. His wife Lilly is also tall and pretty. NJEGOVA ŽENA LJILJA JE TAKOĐE VISOKA I LEPA. They have a son, called Tom. ONI IMAJU SINA KOJI SE ZOVE TOMA. He is very good. ON JE VEOMA DOBAR. They are now at home. ONI SU SADA KOD KUĆE. Their house is big, because they are rich. NJIHOVA KUĆA JE VELIKA POŠTO SU ONI BOGATI. Their dog Ava is very old and lazy. NJIHOV PAS AVA (feminine) JE VRLO STARA I LENJA.

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