Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label exercises in Serbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercises in Serbian. Show all posts

Saturday, January 01, 2022

Serbian Songs with Exercises

Monday, July 12, 2021

Serbian 701 - Epizoda 2

 Ako vam se svidela prva lekcija kursa Serbian 701, vreme je da nastavimo dalje. Hajde da odgledamo drugu epizodu bez slušanja i pretpostavimo šta se dešava i o čemu pričaju :)

Serbian 701 uz Državni posao

Opisati šta PRETPOSTAVLJAŠ da se dešava na samom kraju i šta jedni drugom kažu

save image

Na samom KRAJU vidimo Boškića i Čvarkova koji sede u kancelariji. 

Serbian 701 - vežbe uz drugu epizodu

Odgovoriti na specifična pitanja o tekstu

  1. Ko se sve nalazi u kancelariji?

  2. Ko hoće da ode sa posla ranije?

  3. Kako njegov šef reaguje na to?

  4. Zašto Boškić mora da ode sa posla ranije?

  5. Zašto mu šef to dozvoljava?

  6. Koga Čvarkov pozdravlja?

  7. Da li se Boškić zahvaljuje šefu?

Serbian 701 - vežbamo redosled reči

Friday, October 25, 2019

Serbian 401 - Mala istorija Srbije, drugi deo

Serbian 401 - Mala istorija Srbije, drugi deo

Sigurna sam da ste uživali vežbajući srpski uz Malu istoriju Srbije, prvi deo. Danas stiže drugi deo da vidim koliko se sećate i šta ste naučili do sada ;)

Mala istorija Srbije - vežba, Serbian 401

Perfective and imperfective "se" verbs in  Serbian 401 - Mala istorija Srbije, drugi deo

  1. SMEJATI SE = to laugh (nasmejem se/nasmejao sam se - smejem se/smejao sam se)
  2. UDARATI SE = to hit oneself (udarim se/udario sam se - udaram se/udarao sam se)
  3. ZAGRCNUTI SE /zadaviti se = to choke oneself with food (zagrcnem se/zagrncuo sam se - zadavim se/zadavio sam se)
  4. DEŠAVATI SE = to happen (desi se/ desilo se - dešava se / dešavalo se)
  5. ZVATI SE = to be called (this is used both as a perf. and imperf. verb, but I can add a similar perf. form with a slight change in meaning (give oneself a name): prozovem se/prozvao sam se - zovem se / zvao sam se)... this reminded me of two-aspect verbs, which we could cover in the future!
Nadam se da ste uživali gledajući seriju Mala istorija Srbije i radeći vežbe!

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Verb HTETI - to want

What do they want?
Hajde da slušamo ovu zabavnu pesmu i da odlučimo ko šta želi da jede? = Let's listen to this fun song and decide who wants to eat what? 


  • Tulumbe =  Tulumba or Bamiyeh is a deep-fried dessert  
  • kolač = a cake
  • čokolada = chocolate
  • šlag = whipped cream
  • jagode = strawberries
  • kolač sa čokoladom = a chocolate cake
  • kolač sa šlagom i jagodama = a cake with whipped cream and strawberries
  • hteti = to want to 
  • Hoću - hoćeš - hoće ---- hoćemo - hoćete - hoće
  • Hoću da uzmem = I want to have 


  • Maksim hoće da uzme ...
  • Mama hoće da uzme...
  • Tata hoće da uzme ...



  • Poslastičarnica "Tumbe-tulumbe" = A sweetshop "Tumbe-tulumbe"
  • Dobar dan x 10 = Good afternoon
  • Izvolite, šta želite? = Can I help you, what do you want = would you like?
  • Mi bismo baš voleli da probamo vaše kolače. = We would really like to try your cakes.
  • Evo neka Maksim prvi izabere. = Here, let Maxim be the first to choose.
  • Mama, tata, ja ću ovaj kolačić sa čokoladom. = Mom, dad, I'll take this cake with chocolate.
  • Odličan izbor, Maksime, izvoli! = Excellent choice, Maxim, here you are!
  • Hvala. = Thanks.
  • A meni ćete dati ovu sa šlagom i jagodama. = And to me you will give this one with whipped cream and strawberries.
  • Svakako gospođo. Izvolite. = Sure, madam. Here you are.
  • Jao hvala Vam, baš ste ljubazni! Oh, thank You, you are so kind!
  • A ti tata, koji kolač ćeš ti da uzmeš? = And you daddy, which cake will you take?
  • Tumbe - tulumbe! = (I'll take) Tulumbe
  • Ah, izvolite. = Here you are.
  • Hvala. = Thanks.
  • ...
  • Oprostite, ako mogu da dobijem još samo pet komada? = Excuse me, if I could get only five more pieces? 

Monday, July 08, 2019

Serbian Vocabulary - Furniture, Step by Step

Serbian Vocabulary - Furniture, Step by Step
Today I want to show you how you can practice a bunch of words in an easy way, expanding your sentences and learning new grammar with the same vocabulary. Let's take some most common words for furniture, for example:

Nameštaj u kući - samo reči= Furniture, only words

Nameštaj u kući - with GIVE ME... or SHOW ME + Accusative for inanimate objects, please (formal)

Only fem. sg. nouns will get an U at the end, instead of A. For example: LAMPA --- Dajte mi lampU molim Vas (Give me the lamp, please). Otherwise, masc. and neut. sg. nouns won't change:
To support daily video lessons and quizzes for learning Serbian, join Patreon. Хвала!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Adjectives in Genitive Exercise

Let me tell you how I can make the exercises about Tesla's letters can be even more complicated: I'll add the following adjectives in the same text and make it a task. Of course, before doing this task, let us review the forms of Adjectives in Genitive:
The Adjectives which we are going to be used in front of some of the nouns are as follows:
  • Pridevi uz osobe: pametan - čuven - poznat
  • Pridevi uz zemlju / kraljevinu: čuven - star
  • Pridevi uz reč muzej (Adligat): veliki - mali - poznat - dosadan - bogat - siromašan
  • Pridevi uz godine / dane: davni - prošli - sledeći

Endings for Adjectives in Genitive

Sg. Masc.-OG, example: od čuvenOG glumca
Sg. Neut .-OG, example: od lepOG odela
Sg. Fem.-E, example: od čuvenE glumice

Pl. all genders - IH: od lepIH glumAca, od lepIH glumica, iz lepIH sela

Adjectives in Genitive Exercise


If you would like to receive more lessons like this one, consider joining my Patreon blog.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Giving advice in Serbian

Here comes a very simple exercise, based on two short texts. Hope you'll be able to do it perfectly well:

Asking for Advice in Serbian

Giving Advice in Serbian

Saturday, March 09, 2019

Let's Learn Past Tense of To Work and Become

Let's learn a set of useful phrases with this website showing what some celebrities had done for a living before they became famous.

For the video with the detailed explanations and translations, check out my Patreon page.

 Exercise with Verb Worked in Serbian

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Serbian for Kids - Lesson 10

While in the previous lesson of Serbian for Kids, I taught you how to pronounce furniture in Serbian and we played with the Present tense conjugations of the verb to have, today we are practicing rooms in a house/ flat and revising the previous lessons by playing games.  
The words we are learning today are as follows:

Sobe = Rooms

  1. TAJ HODNIK = hallway
  2. TAJ BALKON = balcony
  3. TA KUHINJA = kitchen
  4. TA SOBA = room
  5. TA SPAVAĆA SOBA = bedroom
  6. TA DNEVNA SOBA= living room
  7. TA DEČIJA SOBA = children’s room
  8. TA RADNA SOBA = study
  9. TO KUPATILO = bathroom

It would be perfect if you could download the pdf file, print it and try to learn, by playing Quizlet game  https://quizlet.com/82682152/learn 

The video version of this pdf is coming your way tomorrow on my Patreon blog - for the previous and upcoming versions check out this link! 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Serbian with Easy Texts and Exercises

Today we are practicing Serbian with this simple exercise:

 The meaning of this story is as follows:

Marina likes to eat sweets, especially chocolate, Eurocream, jam and buiscits. She likes to drink milk, juice and coffee. Each morning while she has breakfast, Marina doesn't watch TV, but she is on the Internet, listens to songs on Youtube and sings them.

The missing verbs are as follows:

  1. VOLETI (ja volim ... oni vole)
  2. PITI (ja pijem... oni piju)
  3. GLEDATI (ja gledam ... oni gledaju)
  4. SLUŠATI (ja slušam... oni slušaju)
  5. PEVATI (ja pevam... oni pevaju)

After doing this exercise, you can record your own story by making comparisons. For example:

Marina voli da jede slatkiše, ali ja ne volim da jedem slatkiše. OR Marina voli da jede Eurokrem, ali ja ne volim da ga jedem. (Pronouns: him/it >>>"ga" stands for "it", but in Serbian "Eurocream" is he, so here "ga" means "him", her >>>"je" and "them"= ih, regardless of the grammar gender)
For more advanced students: Write this text or record it in the past simple or future simple!
For all the versions and video lessons based on this text, check out my Patreon blog. Hvala :) 

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Serbian Past Tense - Bio Bila or Bilo?

Bio Bila Bilo

Verb To Be in the Singular,  simple past form

Ja sam bio = I was masculine
Ja sam bila = I was feminine

Ti si bio = You were masc. sg.
Ti si bila = You were fem. sg.

On je bio = He was , obviously masc. sg.
Ona je bila = She was, obviously fem. sg.
Ono je bilo = It was,  neuter, sg.

When you drop the subject (noun or pronoun), you start with the very past tense of the verb to be and this is what we are practicing now with this game!


Links to Quizlet exercises with BIO BILA BILO

1. Flashcards - https://quizlet.com/230095390/flashcards
2. Learn exercises - https://quizlet.com/230095390/learn
3. Micromatch - https://quizlet.com/230095390/micromatch
4. Gravity -  https://quizlet.com/230095390/gravity

For the full version of the video and more exercises, join my Patreon page. Thanks :)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fun Serbian Language Exercises

Can Serbian Language Exercises be Fun?

Kako da ne! For sure!

Let's watch the following video which should remind you of the famous "Night Watch" painting by Rembrandt:

After enjoying watching it, let's tell a story in the Serbian language. I'll try to help you with the list of the following verbs in Serbian and English:

  • šetati = to walk
  • sedeti = to sit
  • piti kafu = to drink coffee
  • čuti alarm = to hear
  • baciti konopac = to throw  a rope
  • trčati = to run
  • istrčati iz = to run out of
  • strčati niz = to run down
  • bežati (od) = to run away
  • probijati se kroz = to elbow one's way through 
  • preskočiti = to jump over
  • hvatati = to be catching
  • jahati = to ride
  • marširati = to march
  • penjati se = to climb
  • nišaniti = to aim at
  • uhvatiti = to catch
  • stati mirno = to stand still
  • stajati mirno = to be standing still
  • slikati = to take photos
Can you tell your version of The Night Watch story in Serbian while watching the video? If it is too difficult, let's write it first :)

Monday, October 06, 2014

Learn Serbian Really Quickly

This is another fun exercise for real beginners in Serbian. I am sure it won't be difficult for you to figure out which words are missing :) Have fun!

For some help check out the previous posts with some grammar explanations for beginners in Serbian.

Monday, March 03, 2014

Exercise with Instrumental Case in Serbian

If you enjoy learning Serbian with easy texts, here comes a very simple one, which is actually a part of Serbian 102 course:

Vocabulary you might need:

PUTOVATI - to travel
NA MORE - to the seaside
U ZAVISNOSTI OD - depending on
ODREDIŠTE - destination
IĆI - to go
A - and/but
NAJVIŠE VOLETI - to love most of all
ZATO ŠTO - because
ZAŽELETI - to wish
SVE VREME - all the time
SVAĐATI SE - to argue
MENI - to me
MOM SUPRUGU - to my husband
POŠTO - because
MIRAN - peaceful
TRAJATI - to last
DUGO - long
Here comes the same text, but in the Cyrillic script:

Saturday, August 03, 2013

How to Use the Serbian Conjugator ?

If you've practised the Accusative form of the nouns and pronouns with the video in the previous post, it's time to expand your confidence onto the verbs which require a noun/pronoun in this case. With all the listed nouns (TV, pegla, mobilni telefon, mašina za veš ...), the following verbs, properly conjugated, will make sense:
  • videti (to see) Present Tense conjugations: Sg: vidIM, vidIŠ, vidI Pl: vidIMO, vidITE, vidE           Past Tense : Sg: videO, videLA, videLO Pl: videLI, videLE, videLA
  • gledati (to watch) gledAM, gledAŠ, gledA - gledAMO, gledATE, gledAJU ( for the following verbs you'll see only: PRESENT Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -ju and for the PAST Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la )
  • imati (to have)  Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -ju (imaJU) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • koristiti (to use) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (koristE) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • raditi (to work) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (rade) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • popravljati (to fix) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -ju (popravljaju) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • uključiti (to turn on) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (uključe) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • isključiti (to turn off) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (isključe) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • kupiti (to buy) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (kupe) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • prodati (to sell) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (prodate) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • vratiti (to return) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (vrate) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • (po)kvariti se (to break down) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (pokvare) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • baciti (to throw away) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (bace) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
If you are a beginner in Serbian, let's focus on the present simple tense and practise conjugating out loud with the:

Present tense examples:
  • Imam telefon, ali GA ne gledam.
  • Moj brat ima mašinu za sudove i često JE koristi.
If you are at an intermediate level, I guess that dealing with the past simple won't be much of the problem. The idea of this blog post is to encourage you to become more fluent and confident. That's why you can simply learn/revise past simple in Serbian and make a few similar sentences like in the example:

Past tense examples:
  • Kupili smo mobilni telefon i čim smo GA uključili, odmah se pokvario.
  • Moj sin je popravio peglu i kada sam videla kako dobro radi bacila sam JE. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Learning Serbian Present Tense via Daily Motion

Friday, June 17, 2011

Questions About Daily Routines - Phrases in Serbian

When = Kada
Daily routines in Serbian:

1. Kada se budiš ?
2. Kada se umivaš ?
3. Kada doručkuješ ?
4. Kada pereš zube ?
5. Kada se oblačiš ?
6. Kada ideš na posao / u školu ?
7. Kada se vraćaš sa posla / iz škole ?
8. Kada ručaš ?
9. Kada učiš srpski ?
10. Kada radiš domaći ?
11. Kada gledaš TV?
12. Kada večeraš ?
13. Kada se šetaš ?
14. Kada trčiš ?
15. Kada se viđaš sa prijateljima ?
16. Kada se tuširaš ?
17. Kada čitaš knjigu ?
18. Kada ideš da spavaš ?

* Additional Exercise about Daily Routines in Serbian

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Reflexive pronoun 'se' in Serbian

Here is the news from my town, followed by the video. I deleted all 'se' words. Try to guess where they are missing and then check your answers at the news source link.

U nesreći koja pre 4 dana desila u centru Novog Sada nekoliko lica je zadobilo lakše povrede, a na YouTube-u se ubrzo nakon toga našao video snimak ove nezgode. Kako navode svedoci, Fiat Punto sa novosadskim registarskim tablicama kretao ulicom Jovana Subotića iz pravca Trga Marije Trandafil ka centru. Prešao je na suprotnu stranu kolovoza, okrznuo sa jednim gradskim autobusom i Opel Corsom, te direktno sudario da drugim autobusom GSP-a odmah iza Corse. (4 missing 'se')

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Future Tense in Serbian - exercise

Future Tense in Serbian

RULE: infinitive stem + Future tense suffix, depending on the person

Future Tense suffixes:
-ću, ćeš, će, ćemo, ćete, će

Example: to sing=pevati ---> peva+ćeš

Now, you do the same for the first (I= ja) and second person singular (you=ti) for these verbs:

to have = imati
to play = igrati
to kiss = ljubiti
to be = biti

Great! Now, listen to this song and check your answers:

______________ (You'll have) ih mnogo _______________ (you'll play) se njima
______________ (You'll kiss) ih mnogo ali ne daj se baš svima
U ponoć _____________ (I'll be) tu i _____________ (I'll kiss) te tad
U ponoć poželi tvoj deda-mraz sam ______ (I).

Nove godine zato _______________ (are coming)
Nove godine u pravi čas za ______ (us).

Nove __________ (years) zato dolaze
Nove __________ (years) u pravi čas za nas.

______________ (You'll have) ih mnogo _______________ (you'll play) se njima
______________ (You'll kiss) ih mnogo ali ne daj se baš svima
U ponoć _____________ (I'll be) tu i _____________ (I'll kiss) te tad
U ponoć poželi tvoj deda-mraz sam ______ (I).



Monday, March 23, 2009

Present Tense Conjugations in Serbian

Fill in the gaps with the suitable form of the verbs in brackets and send the homework to 'learnserbian@gmail.com'. I hope that I will manage to launch the site with similar grammar exercises by April. Watch this space!

- IM
  1. Svako jutro se (1) BUDITI u 8.
  2. Da li ti (2) MISLITI da su jedan plus jedan dva?
  3. Da li Vi (3) MISLITI da u životu jedan i jedan nisu uvek dva?
  4. Dragan se (4) OBLAČITI bar pola sata!
  5. Kada (5) OTVARATI prodavnicu?
- AM
  1. Svaki dan te (6) ČEKATI bar deset minuta!
  2. Moja deca (7) ČITATI knjige - a tvoja?
  3. Danas je baš hladno! Vetar baš (8) DUVATI.
  4. Koliko često (9) GLEDATI tv?
  5. Ana i Sofija se (10) IGRATI.
- (uj)EM

  1. Svaki dan se (11) DOPISIVATI sa drugaricom iz Engleske.
  2. Kada ti (12) DORUČKOVATI?
  3. Šta najčešće (13) PITI tokom dana?
  4. Oni (14) PISATI e-meilove svaki dan.
  5. Kada mi (15) POČINJATI sa učenjem srpskog?

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book