Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label serbian conjugations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label serbian conjugations. Show all posts

Monday, March 01, 2021

Serbian 201 - Verb Conjugations, to Go, Eat, Drink

 To Go, Eat, Drink Conjugations

  • Kako se kaže TO GO na srpskom? Kaže se IĆI 
  • Kako se kaže TO EAT na srpskom? Kaže se JESTI
  • Kako se kaže TO DRINK na srpskom? Kaže se PITI

  • Let's see how we can use these three verbs in three different tenses in Serbian:

    Exercise with Serbian Verb Conjugations TO GO, EAT, DRINK

    Examples with Serbian Verb Conjugations TO GO, EAT, DRINK





    - Sada idem u prodavnicu.

    - Mama i ja obično idemo u bioskop petkom.

    - Išla sam u prodavnicu juče.

    - Išao sam sa mamom u bioskop prošlog petka.

    - Ja ću ići u školu sutra u 8 ujutro.

    - Deca u Kanadi će ići u školu od septembra. 


     - Šta radiš sada? Jedem burek.A ti?
    - Sada ne jedem. I ja isto jedem burek, ali samo vikendom. 

    - Jeo sam juče burek. 

    - Juče sam jela picu. 

    - Ja ću jesti sarmu sutra. 

    - Ješćemo sarmu sutra. 

    - Sutra ćete jesti sarmu.
    PITI- Hoćeš nešto da popiješ? Ne hvala, upravo pijem Fantu. 
    - Ljudi u Srbiji piju puno vode.
    - Pili smo mleko kad smo bili deca. 

    - Nisam pio mleko već šest godina. 
    - Popiću kaficu kad stignem kući. 


    Sunday, August 19, 2018

    Serbian Language - Reading Practice

    A real fun and easy way to practice reading in Serbian. In the first part you will try to add the appropriate form of the following verbs:
    biti - to be jesti - to eat piti - to drink

    Later on you will be able to see if your answers were correct. Can you make a similar story about yourself? 

    Wednesday, May 16, 2018

    Daily Routines in Serbian - Speaking Exercise

    Daily routines in Serbian - Game

    The best way to learn a language is by playing games and listening to it. That is why I am sharing a new Memory game to help you out, followed by the video, so you can also listen and play :)

    Useful conjugations and common collocations with daily routines in Serbian

    1. PRATI zube / ruke /lice  (to wash your teeth /hands / face) - perem - pereš - pere /// peremo - perete - peru
    2. SPREMATI (to get ready) doručak - spremam - spremaš - sprema /// spremamo - spremate - spremaju
    3. PRIPREMATI  (to prepare) doručak - pripremam ... /// ... pripremaju
    4. PRAVITI (to make) doručak - pravim ... /// ... prave
    5. UMIVATI SE  (to wash your face) - umivam se ... /// ... umivaju se
    6. TRČATI  (to run) - trčim ... /// ...trče
    7. PECATI (to fish) - pecam ...  / ... pecaju
    8. USTAJATI (to get up) - ustajem... /// ... ustaju
    9. BUDITI SE (to wake up) - budim se .../// ... bude se

    Tuesday, April 24, 2018

    Serbian Conjugation Posters - To Live

    Serbian conjugations is essential for my students, so let me share one which can be downloaded and printed :)

    Thursday, October 26, 2017

    Serbian Language Course - Family

    I hope you enjoyed following my free Serbian language course at the elementary level, dedicated to Greetings! This month I have been working on a new one where you can learn:

    • How to introduce your family members to someone
    • Hear clearly and learn to pronounce family members
    • Verbs to have + family members (in the appropriate case)
    • Short texts about this topic
    All the video lessons and exercises are both in the Cyrillic and Latin script so you can learn Cyrillic in no time :) 

    Today I wanted to share one of the video exercises from the course. 

    More videos with conjugations are on this playlist.

    Monday, June 19, 2017

    Verb Conjugations in Serbian - Present Tense of Go

    Present Tense of to Go

    Here comes a short lesson with the verb IĆI = TO GO to in the Simple Present tense. The conjugations are as follows:

    1. Ja idem - ti ideš - on/ona/ono ide ///// mi idemo - vi idete - oni / one  / ona idu

    Common Serbian Phrases with this Verb

    How can you use the verb IĆI to create the most common phrases:

    1. Gde ideš? = Where are you going?
    2. Kada ideš u školu? = When are you going to school?
    3. Gde ideš u kupovinu/prodavnicu? = Where are you going shopping?
    4. Zašto ideš na posao tako kasno? = Why are you going to work so late?
    5. Gde ideš na odmor svake godine? = Where do you go on holiday every year?
    6. Kad idete na odmor? = When are you going on holiday?
    7. Ko ide u školu? = Who is going to school?
    8. Ko ide sa mnom? = Who is going with me?
    9. Ko ide ka Beogradu? = Who is going to (towards) Belgrade?
    10. Kada ideš u Beograd sa mamom? = When are you going to Belgrade with me?
    As you can see, this is a tricky verb, because it can be followed by nouns in different cases. The most common are:

    1. Accusative with the preposition "u / na" = in or to, as in GO TO

    a. Idem na posao.
    b. Idemo u školu u 8 ujutro.
    c. Idemo na odmor  u avgustu.
    d. Svake godine idem na odmor u Grčku.
    e. Sutra idem u Beograd sa tobom.
    f. Idem ( u Beograd) sa mamom u petak. 
    g. Deca idu u školu.

    2. Instrumental with the preposition "sa" =with, as in GO with a friend

    h. Baka ide sa mnom.
    i. Idem ( u Beograd) sa mamom u petak. 
    j. Zato što idem biciklom.

    3. Less frequently it will be followed by the Dative, with the preposition "ka / prema" = towards, as in GO TOWARDS.

    k. Mi idemo ka Beogradu. Možete li da nas povedete?

    Your task

    Try to match the questions 1 to 10 with the answers a to k. and record them with www.Vocaroo.com. You can send them to me and get your replies via Patreon.

    Thursday, June 15, 2017

    Daily Routines in Serbian

    Daily Routines in Serbian

    1. PRATI RUKE = to wash hands
    2. PRATI SUDOVE = to wash the dishes
    3. SPAVATI = to sleep
    4. UČITI = to learn
    5. DRUŽITE SE = to hang out (with friends)
    6. DORUČKOVATI = to have breakfast
    7. RUČATI = to have lunch
    8. VEČERATI = to have dinner
    9. PITI VODU = to drink water

    For the video lesson, check out my Patreon blog. Thanks for learning with my lessons :D HVALA! .

    Let's Practice DAily Routines with Quizlet

    Monday, April 10, 2017

    Serbian Conjugations - Verb to Have

    Today I am sharing with you conjugations with the verb TO HAVE = IMATI + words in an office:

    Present Simple of Verb to HAVE:

    JA imam
    TI imaš
    ON-ONA-ONO ima
    MI imamo
    VI imate
    ONI-ONE-ONA imaju

    Nouns Following the Verb to Have

    Feminine Sg:
    1. stolica = chair
    2. kanta = bin
    3. biljka = plant
    4. diploma = diploma
    5. klima = air conditioning
    6. slika = picture

    Masculine Pl:
    1. sto = table
    2. kompjuter = computer
    3. telefon = telephone
    4. sertifikat = certificate
    5. ormarić = filing cabinet
    6. sat = clock

    Speaking and Writing exercise

    If you are curious as to why the final -a in the fem. sg. noun changes, do check the theory about the Accusative case. Even if you are not interested in the cases, after practising with this video lesson, you will be able to say and write these examples correctly.

    If you would like to enjoy the full version with exercises such as this one with the verbs live and work, you are welcome to support my work on Patreon :)

    p.s. You are enjoying these cute little animations, thanks to the consistent support of my five current Patrons!  Hvala im :)

    Monday, March 20, 2017

    Where do You Work?

    In the verb conjugation series of videos, I just published a new video with a lot of examples how to use the verb TO WORK = raditi in the Present Tense.

    Useful Vocabulary

    In this lesson we are practicing the verb TO WORK in = raditi u ...

    1. raditi = to work
    2. škola = school
    3. bolnica = hospital
    4. prodavnica = shop
    5. muzej = museum
    6. pozorište = theatre
    7. lekar = (medical) doctor
    8. medicinska sestra = nurse


    To practice with a short story based on the verbs to go to, to live and to work, you're invited to follow Patreon blog! You can regularly access interactive surveys like this one:

    ... and get my feedback :)

    Wednesday, March 15, 2017

    Conjugations of Serbian Verb to Go to in Present Tense

    Last time we practiced the verb to live. Today, we are learning the verb to go with the following video:

    and a couple of exercises:


    Wednesday, March 08, 2017

    Serbian Verbs Conjugated - To Live

    I have tried to make simple conjugation videos before, but was never satisfied with what they looked and sounded like. Last week, thanks to my dedicated patrons on Patreon and my students of Serbian whom I've been teaching for years, I was able to afford the first professional version of the software which I have always dreamt of.  HVALA!!!

    How do you like my first pro conjugation video?

    Now that I have all the tools, I am sure you'll all enjoy my short video lessons about:

    1. verb conjugations in Serbian, both in the Cyrillic and Latin alphabet.
    2. short video stories, based on the video with conjugations
    3. short dialogues based on the texts and Serbian Phrases
    4. videos explaining Serbian idioms
    5. easy Serbian songs and chants for kids
    Još jednom ogromno hvala mojim dragim pratiocima i učenicima koji pomažu održavanje ovog bloga i sve bolji kvalitet video lekcija srpskog jezika. Moje nove lekcije će izgledati super zahvaljujući Mirku, Milici i Milenki, Lari, Matiji, Dejanu i Danijeli, Marion, Pavlu, Dejvidu, Niku i Dženi i Jani!!! 

    Saturday, February 20, 2016

    Serbian Verb to Go to with Places

    The topic of today's lesson is the verb IĆI U/NA(to go to) followed by different places. Because of the preposition U/NA, which mean in/at/on in English, students tend to make a mistake and use the Locative case of a noun instead of the Accusative. However, since IĆI U is the verb which denotes movement, we can translate it with GO TO and then it is followed by the Accusative.

    So, with today's Quizlet set we will be  practicing:

    • different conjugations of the verb IĆI in its imperfective form: idem (sada)  = I am going to (now). 
    • prepositions U vs. NA
    • Accusative Singular nouns (there is a change only with the Feminine nouns, which drop the final A and add U)

    Learning Serbian Verb to Go to with Places

    Practicing Serbian Verb to Go to with Places

    Test with Serbian Verb to Go to with Places

    Tuesday, November 25, 2014

    Conjugations in Serbian - to Shave

    Why Conjugations of Brijati - To Shave

    While I was watching RTS1 today I saw a very interesting and insightful story about a very old "brica", a barber who works in  "berbernica". I looked it up on Youtube, but couldn't find it on RTS1 Channel. However, there was a similar story which can be turned in another interesting lesson at an upper-intermediate or advanced level.

    How to use this video and introduce relevant verb conjugations?

    • As usual, it's always great to elicit the vocabulary based on watching the video, without the audio:
    1. BRICA - barber
    2. BRIJATI Present (brijem / brijes/ brije // brijemo / brijete/ briju) -to shave (impf)
    3. BRIJATI Past (brijao / brijala / brijalo // brijali/ brijale/ brijala) - shaved (past)
    4. BRIJANJE - shaving
    5. OBRIJAN - shaved
    6. OBRIJATI - to shave (perf)
    9. Collocations: brijati + bradu/glavu, savladati brijanje, brijanje glave/brade, ucenje brijanja, vezbanje brijanja, oblikovanje brade
    • Now, let's watch the video with audio this time and simply encircle the words, conjugations and collocations as you hear them. 
    • The last step is vocabulary practice, which is soon to be uploaded onto Serbian School website with videos and exercises.

    Wednesday, December 18, 2013

    Let's Practice Serbian Cyrillic Script - Answer to Part 2

    Sunday, November 10, 2013

    Serbian Conjugations in Cyrillic Script

    If you have always wondered it there were any videos with conjugations in Serbian with the Cyrillic script, here they come :

    With this video you can not only pronounce the Simple present conjugations of the verb "zvati se", but you can also practise its word order and asking and answering simple questions in the second part of the video. Which words are missing there ?

    Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    Pre-intermediate Serbian - Conjugator

    While in the first four lessons of the Serbian for pre-intermediate level there was the emphasis on the nouns and cases, in the previous post, the more important topic started to emerge - and that's the one of the verb conjugation system in Serbian. That's why I made this short universal Serbian conjugations video to help you practise the verb conjugations for verbs we'll be covering in the future:

    How to use it:
    1. Decide which verb you want to conjugate - or the Latin script version
    2. Practise saying the verbs with the video - pay attention, in the second part of the video you have to figure out what the subject is (ja, ti, on/ona/ono, mi, vi, or oni/one/ona)
    3. In the previous lessons we did the verbs "ići", "živeti" and "govoriti" - if you can conjugate these verbs in the Simple Present, you are ready for the next step

    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    Present and Past Tense Conjugation in Serbian

    Monday, February 28, 2011

    Serbian "To Know =Znati" Present Simple Conjugation

    Sunday, February 27, 2011

    Lesson in Serbian - Conjugations in Context

    Sunday, February 20, 2011

    Verb Conjugations in Serbian - "To Think = Misliti"

    If you are interested in conjugations of other verbs in different tenses, feel free to leave a comment with your wish :-)

    All the conjugations can be seen either on our http://skolasrpskog.com/learnserbian-podcast "Your Reference" pages or via our Video Channel on Youtube

    If you are just a beginner, I'd recommend you join our monthly newsletter called Aktivator and make the most of our weekly meetings and access to the hidden pages.

    Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

    Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
    Gde je ključ? ...
    Where is the Key?-...
    By Marina Petrović
    Photo book