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Showing posts with label verb conjugations in Serbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label verb conjugations in Serbian. Show all posts

Monday, March 01, 2021

Serbian 201 - Verb Conjugations, to Go, Eat, Drink

 To Go, Eat, Drink Conjugations

  • Kako se kaže TO GO na srpskom? Kaže se IĆI 
  • Kako se kaže TO EAT na srpskom? Kaže se JESTI
  • Kako se kaže TO DRINK na srpskom? Kaže se PITI

  • Let's see how we can use these three verbs in three different tenses in Serbian:

    Exercise with Serbian Verb Conjugations TO GO, EAT, DRINK

    Examples with Serbian Verb Conjugations TO GO, EAT, DRINK





    - Sada idem u prodavnicu.

    - Mama i ja obično idemo u bioskop petkom.

    - Išla sam u prodavnicu juče.

    - Išao sam sa mamom u bioskop prošlog petka.

    - Ja ću ići u školu sutra u 8 ujutro.

    - Deca u Kanadi će ići u školu od septembra. 


     - Šta radiš sada? Jedem burek.A ti?
    - Sada ne jedem. I ja isto jedem burek, ali samo vikendom. 

    - Jeo sam juče burek. 

    - Juče sam jela picu. 

    - Ja ću jesti sarmu sutra. 

    - Ješćemo sarmu sutra. 

    - Sutra ćete jesti sarmu.
    PITI- Hoćeš nešto da popiješ? Ne hvala, upravo pijem Fantu. 
    - Ljudi u Srbiji piju puno vode.
    - Pili smo mleko kad smo bili deca. 

    - Nisam pio mleko već šest godina. 
    - Popiću kaficu kad stignem kući. 


    Thursday, January 07, 2021

    Serbian 101 - with Language Games


    The easiest way to learn has always been through playing games. That's why I am sharing a very simple game about the verb to be in Serbian:

    Have fun!

    Wednesday, November 06, 2019

    Serbian 201 - Present and Past of Raditi

    One of the best ways to practice different tenses is to contrast them.  Today, the focus is on the verb TO WORK = raditi. Can you figure out which one is PAST and which one is PRESENT tense?

    1. Šta radiš?
    2. Šta si radila?
    3. Radimo u školi. 
    4. Radili smo u bolnici. 
    5. Sada ništa ne radim.
    6. Nisam ništa radila.
    Yes, I am sure you guessed that 1-3-5 sentences are in the present tense and the others are in the past. Now, let's do one exercise to choose the verb which is missing

    Present and Past of Raditi - Exercise

    Exercise with Present and Past of Raditi

    Game with Present and Past of Raditi

    Present and Past of Raditi - Test

    Saturday, May 12, 2018

    Serbian Conjugations - Speaking Exercise with To Have a Rest

    In this exercise we are going to practice only the imperfective form of the verb ODMARATI SE = to be having a rest.

    Take a look at these photos and make the following sentences:

    Present Tense Conjugations of Odmarati


    1. Na prvoj slici vidim mladića u odelu koji SE ODMARA na poslu. 

    Past Tense Conjugations of To have a rest

    Odmarao - odmarala - odmaralo /// odmarali - odmarale - odmarala


    1. Na prvoj slici vidim mladića u odelu koji SE ODMARAO dok je bio na poslu.

    Future Tense Conjugations of To have a rest

    Odmaraću se - Odmaraćeš se - Odmaraće se /// Odmaraćemo se - Odmaraćete se - Odmaraće se


    1. Na prvoj slici vidim mladića u odelu koji ĆE SE ODMARATI kada bude na poslu.

    Tuesday, July 04, 2017

    Modal Verbs in Serbian - Can 2

    In the one of the previous lessons we practiced the verb CAN in the Present Tense in Serbian. Let's revise it once again:
    When you practised the verb MOĆI long enough, you are ready to solve the following mystery:

    Which words are missing?

    p.s. The response you can see here is from the famous song by Zdravko Čolić. If you like the song, let's learn how to sing it together :)

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