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Showing posts with label modal verbs in Serbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label modal verbs in Serbian. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Serbian 401 - Must in Serbian

Must and Had to in Serbian - Serbian 401 

There is a series of lessons in Serbian 401 course about Dragana, Zvonko and Boris. This is an introductory one where your task is to guess what they do for living based on the short text. 

The first step would be to see which of the following modal verbs are missing in these three short texts:

MORATI  (have to ) - SMETI  (be allowed to) - MOĆI (can) 
NE MORATI (not have to ) - NE SMETI (mustn't) - NE MOĆI (cannot)

Must be  = mora da je 

  • Ako Dragana radi u operacionoj sali, znači da radi u bolnici i  može biti lekar, medicinska sestra ili anesteziolog. 
  • Ako Zvonko radi u sudu, ali samo po pozivu, onda mora da je sudski veštak.
  • Ako boris puno putuje, upoznaje puno uspešnih ljudi i mora da trenira mozak svakog dana, može biti ili menadžer/direktor ili simultani prevodilac. 

Must, Can and Mustn't in Serbian - Exercise

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Verb HTETI - to want

What do they want?
Hajde da slušamo ovu zabavnu pesmu i da odlučimo ko šta želi da jede? = Let's listen to this fun song and decide who wants to eat what? 


  • Tulumbe =  Tulumba or Bamiyeh is a deep-fried dessert  
  • kolač = a cake
  • čokolada = chocolate
  • šlag = whipped cream
  • jagode = strawberries
  • kolač sa čokoladom = a chocolate cake
  • kolač sa šlagom i jagodama = a cake with whipped cream and strawberries
  • hteti = to want to 
  • Hoću - hoćeš - hoće ---- hoćemo - hoćete - hoće
  • Hoću da uzmem = I want to have 


  • Maksim hoće da uzme ...
  • Mama hoće da uzme...
  • Tata hoće da uzme ...



  • Poslastičarnica "Tumbe-tulumbe" = A sweetshop "Tumbe-tulumbe"
  • Dobar dan x 10 = Good afternoon
  • Izvolite, šta želite? = Can I help you, what do you want = would you like?
  • Mi bismo baš voleli da probamo vaše kolače. = We would really like to try your cakes.
  • Evo neka Maksim prvi izabere. = Here, let Maxim be the first to choose.
  • Mama, tata, ja ću ovaj kolačić sa čokoladom. = Mom, dad, I'll take this cake with chocolate.
  • Odličan izbor, Maksime, izvoli! = Excellent choice, Maxim, here you are!
  • Hvala. = Thanks.
  • A meni ćete dati ovu sa šlagom i jagodama. = And to me you will give this one with whipped cream and strawberries.
  • Svakako gospođo. Izvolite. = Sure, madam. Here you are.
  • Jao hvala Vam, baš ste ljubazni! Oh, thank You, you are so kind!
  • A ti tata, koji kolač ćeš ti da uzmeš? = And you daddy, which cake will you take?
  • Tumbe - tulumbe! = (I'll take) Tulumbe
  • Ah, izvolite. = Here you are.
  • Hvala. = Thanks.
  • ...
  • Oprostite, ako mogu da dobijem još samo pet komada? = Excuse me, if I could get only five more pieces? 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Modal Verb Can in Serbian

Here comes a video lesson for my students at Serbian 102 course, dedicated to the verb MOĆI = CAN. We practiced this earlier today, so you can practice with us. 

After watching the video again, I am sure you will remember most of the things, so that you will be able to do the following tasks yourself:  
Uživajte učeći = Have fun learning :)

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Modal Verbs in Serbian - Can 2

In the one of the previous lessons we practiced the verb CAN in the Present Tense in Serbian. Let's revise it once again:
When you practised the verb MOĆI long enough, you are ready to solve the following mystery:

Which words are missing?

p.s. The response you can see here is from the famous song by Zdravko Čolić. If you like the song, let's learn how to sing it together :)

Monday, April 24, 2017

Serbian Verb Conjugations - Practicing Can

Here comes a brand new video based on an exercise with the modal verb MOĆI. Let's watch the video first, before doing a bunch of exercises:

Practicing Can with Language Games

Practicing Serbian Verb Moći with Flashcards

Testing your Knowledge of Serbian Verb Conjugations 

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

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Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book