Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label free video lessons of Serbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free video lessons of Serbian. Show all posts

Monday, March 27, 2023

Serbian 801 - Video Exercise with Collocations

 Video Exercise with Collocations in Serbian

Danas možete da vežbate interesantan tekst na temu osmeha koji je obišao svet uz sledeće materijale:

Video vežba sa kolokacijama bazirana na tekstu o Stani Tomašević

Exercise with Advanced Serbian 

Tekst o Stani Tomašević

Život Crnogorke Stane Tomašević Arnesen obeležile su mnoge tragedije, a ostala je upamćena po fotografiji na kojoj se osmehuje.

Ova partizanka je od crmničkog sela pokraj Skadarskog jezera, preko ranjavanja u ratu i gubitka najbližih, narušenog zdravlja, proputovala svet od Istočnog bloka do američkog Diznilenda, ispisavši usput jugoslovensku istoriju.

Bila je prva žena na važnoj političkoj i vojnoj funkciji komesara u Drugom svetskom ratu, a potom u miru, prva žena na položaju ambasadora Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije.

... pročitajte više na sajtu BBC na srpskom

Monday, September 23, 2019

Step by Step Serbian

Why Step by Step Serbian?

Having made hundreds of quizzes and exercises in Serbian, I thought of posting them here on this blog on a daily basis, starting from the easiest ones. This will make it easier for you to learn regularly and have some kind of continuity.

All you have to do is to follow:
I also want to connect each post with the previous lessons covering the same topic, so you can practise using different materials (which are hidden in this ten year old blog). So, let's start!

How Step by Step Serbian?

Let's start with the alphabets used in the Serbian language: Ćirilica and Latinica

First, you can read more about these two alphabets in the previous posts:

Once you are acquainted with the theoretical part, let's play:

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Modal Verb Can in Serbian

Here comes a video lesson for my students at Serbian 102 course, dedicated to the verb MOĆI = CAN. We practiced this earlier today, so you can practice with us. 

After watching the video again, I am sure you will remember most of the things, so that you will be able to do the following tasks yourself:  
Uživajte učeći = Have fun learning :)

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Plural in Serbian - Video Exercise

Plural in Serbian

In this video exercise you can practice forming plural in Serbian and drilling it with the following phrases:

  • Da li je to banka?
  • Da li su to banke?
The explanation about the plural in Serbian can be found on the video or more detailed one, with exercises here.

More examples from the video:

The examples in the video are as follows:
1. banka - banke
2. prodavnica -. prodavnice
3. apoteka - apoteke
4. park - parkovi
5. trg - trgovi
6. muzej - muzeji
7. bioskop - bioskopi
8. pozorište - pozorišta
9. mesto - mesta

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Serbian for Children - Lesson 2

Thanks to your kind help the second lesson of Serbian for Children was released yesterday:

In this lesson you can practise saying "Ovo je..." (this is) as well as the vocabulary for family members!


mama = mom
tata = dad
sestra = sister
brat = brother
sin = son
ćerka = daughter

moj / moja = my

Additional exercises:
1. https://quizlet.com/146121479/micromatch
2. https://en.educaplay.com/en/learningresources/2531536/serbian_for_children_lesson_1a.htm

The first part was published in the post about teaching Serbian with children songs, but I will add it here as well:


Hope you find them useful and come here for more!

If you would like to get all my video lessons with explanations in English, translations and additional exercises like the ones above, in the meaningful order, consider joining me on Patreon. HVALA!

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

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