Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label Free lessons of Serbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free lessons of Serbian. Show all posts

Monday, March 27, 2023

Serbian 801 - Video Exercise with Collocations

 Video Exercise with Collocations in Serbian

Danas možete da vežbate interesantan tekst na temu osmeha koji je obišao svet uz sledeće materijale:

Video vežba sa kolokacijama bazirana na tekstu o Stani Tomašević

Exercise with Advanced Serbian 

Tekst o Stani Tomašević

Život Crnogorke Stane Tomašević Arnesen obeležile su mnoge tragedije, a ostala je upamćena po fotografiji na kojoj se osmehuje.

Ova partizanka je od crmničkog sela pokraj Skadarskog jezera, preko ranjavanja u ratu i gubitka najbližih, narušenog zdravlja, proputovala svet od Istočnog bloka do američkog Diznilenda, ispisavši usput jugoslovensku istoriju.

Bila je prva žena na važnoj političkoj i vojnoj funkciji komesara u Drugom svetskom ratu, a potom u miru, prva žena na položaju ambasadora Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije.

... pročitajte više na sajtu BBC na srpskom

Monday, September 23, 2019

Step by Step Serbian

Why Step by Step Serbian?

Having made hundreds of quizzes and exercises in Serbian, I thought of posting them here on this blog on a daily basis, starting from the easiest ones. This will make it easier for you to learn regularly and have some kind of continuity.

All you have to do is to follow:
I also want to connect each post with the previous lessons covering the same topic, so you can practise using different materials (which are hidden in this ten year old blog). So, let's start!

How Step by Step Serbian?

Let's start with the alphabets used in the Serbian language: Ćirilica and Latinica

First, you can read more about these two alphabets in the previous posts:

Once you are acquainted with the theoretical part, let's play:

Monday, April 16, 2018

Free Serbian Language Course

Since many of my students told me how easy it is to learn Serbian by singing, I decided to introduce nice and catchy tunes with nice and easy Serbian collocations into my new Five Minute Serbian course.

Yesterday I released a free version of this course, so you can join it and see whether this way of learning suits you.

At first I thought it would be a great idea to organize each course from the very beginner to the most advanced levels (from A1 to C2), but my students suggested I should divide them into two groups - from A1 to B1 and another one from B2 to C2. That will allow me to add more language related lessons for each level.

For example, A1 level now covers not only "The weather/wine is good" but also two new chapters dedicated to members of family and how to introduce them. A2 level doesn't cover only what WAS the weather like, but also who WAS at home/work etc. B1 level is covering asking "kakva vs. kakav" when asking questions such as "What was the party like?" and similar.

Let me share with you two brand new lessons:
  • At A1 level

  • At A2 level 

At the moment the course has more than three hours of content, but it is getting longer and richer each day. Once you join the course, you are given the links to the follow up exercises and quizzes. Since the course is expanding, the price of the course is going to increase accordingly. It is $US49 right now, but for the followers of this blog there is a 50% discount which is valid only in April.

The beauty of this series of the courses is that you will be able to add your suggestions and influence the topic of the upcoming chapters.

The following course will be dedicated to verbs and prepositions which require the Accusative case and I am sure you will love it! For now, do join the free version of this course and leave me your feedback in the comment below or through our joint Facebook page called StudySerbian.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Past Tense in Serbian

Let's make a short comparison of the Present Simple and Past Simple in Serbian with this "drinks video" :)

  • Šta obično piješ / pijete tokom dana ?
  • Šta obično piješ / pijete kada izađeš uveče ?
  • Šta si juče pio  / pila ? / Šta ste juče pili ?*


  • What do you usually drink during the day ? ("piješ" informal, "pijete" formal)
  • What do you usually drink when you go out at night ?
  • What did you drink yesterday ? ("pio" for masculine singular, "pila" for feminine singular, "pili" for the second person singular, used formally, or for the second person plural, when you are talking to more people)

Friday, August 02, 2013

Serbian Nouns and Pronouns in Accusative

Today we're going to do an exercise with singular nouns describing objects, their grammatical gender and its pronouns in the Accusative case. In this exercise you'll see the following appliances and gadgets:
  • televizor
  • mikser
  • daljinski (upravljač)
  • mobilni (telefon)
  • telefon
  • kompjuter
  • frižider
  • toster
  • mašina za veš
  • mašina za pranje veša
  • lampa
The nouns in blue are masculine and the red ones are feminine, so don't forget to make the following changes:
  1. step TO SEE + NOUN: Vidim / Ne vidim televizor (masculine) /odelo (neuter) /lampU (feminine)
  2. step TO SEE + corresponding PRONOUN: Vidim / Ne vidim ga / je (short form for "him (ga = njega) / her (je=nju)")
  3. step: look around yourself and say what you can see/can't see (use only singular and pay attention that the neuter nouns, like "odelo" behaves the same as the nouns in masc.)

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book