Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label serbian conjugations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label serbian conjugations. Show all posts

Monday, March 01, 2021

Serbian 201 - Verb Conjugations, to Go, Eat, Drink

 To Go, Eat, Drink Conjugations

  • Kako se kaže TO GO na srpskom? Kaže se IĆI 
  • Kako se kaže TO EAT na srpskom? Kaže se JESTI
  • Kako se kaže TO DRINK na srpskom? Kaže se PITI

  • Let's see how we can use these three verbs in three different tenses in Serbian:

    Exercise with Serbian Verb Conjugations TO GO, EAT, DRINK

    Examples with Serbian Verb Conjugations TO GO, EAT, DRINK





    - Sada idem u prodavnicu.

    - Mama i ja obično idemo u bioskop petkom.

    - Išla sam u prodavnicu juče.

    - Išao sam sa mamom u bioskop prošlog petka.

    - Ja ću ići u školu sutra u 8 ujutro.

    - Deca u Kanadi će ići u školu od septembra. 


     - Šta radiš sada? Jedem burek.A ti?
    - Sada ne jedem. I ja isto jedem burek, ali samo vikendom. 

    - Jeo sam juče burek. 

    - Juče sam jela picu. 

    - Ja ću jesti sarmu sutra. 

    - Ješćemo sarmu sutra. 

    - Sutra ćete jesti sarmu.
    PITI- Hoćeš nešto da popiješ? Ne hvala, upravo pijem Fantu. 
    - Ljudi u Srbiji piju puno vode.
    - Pili smo mleko kad smo bili deca. 

    - Nisam pio mleko već šest godina. 
    - Popiću kaficu kad stignem kući. 


    Sunday, August 19, 2018

    Serbian Language - Reading Practice

    A real fun and easy way to practice reading in Serbian. In the first part you will try to add the appropriate form of the following verbs:
    biti - to be jesti - to eat piti - to drink

    Later on you will be able to see if your answers were correct. Can you make a similar story about yourself? 

    Wednesday, May 16, 2018

    Daily Routines in Serbian - Speaking Exercise

    Daily routines in Serbian - Game

    The best way to learn a language is by playing games and listening to it. That is why I am sharing a new Memory game to help you out, followed by the video, so you can also listen and play :)

    Useful conjugations and common collocations with daily routines in Serbian

    1. PRATI zube / ruke /lice  (to wash your teeth /hands / face) - perem - pereš - pere /// peremo - perete - peru
    2. SPREMATI (to get ready) doručak - spremam - spremaš - sprema /// spremamo - spremate - spremaju
    3. PRIPREMATI  (to prepare) doručak - pripremam ... /// ... pripremaju
    4. PRAVITI (to make) doručak - pravim ... /// ... prave
    5. UMIVATI SE  (to wash your face) - umivam se ... /// ... umivaju se
    6. TRČATI  (to run) - trčim ... /// ...trče
    7. PECATI (to fish) - pecam ...  / ... pecaju
    8. USTAJATI (to get up) - ustajem... /// ... ustaju
    9. BUDITI SE (to wake up) - budim se .../// ... bude se

    Tuesday, April 24, 2018

    Serbian Conjugation Posters - To Live

    Serbian conjugations is essential for my students, so let me share one which can be downloaded and printed :)

    Thursday, October 26, 2017

    Serbian Language Course - Family

    I hope you enjoyed following my free Serbian language course at the elementary level, dedicated to Greetings! This month I have been working on a new one where you can learn:

    • How to introduce your family members to someone
    • Hear clearly and learn to pronounce family members
    • Verbs to have + family members (in the appropriate case)
    • Short texts about this topic
    All the video lessons and exercises are both in the Cyrillic and Latin script so you can learn Cyrillic in no time :) 

    Today I wanted to share one of the video exercises from the course. 

    More videos with conjugations are on this playlist.

    Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

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    Where is the Key?-...
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    Photo book