Learn Serbian

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pre-intermediate Serbian - Conjugator

While in the first four lessons of the Serbian for pre-intermediate level there was the emphasis on the nouns and cases, in the previous post, the more important topic started to emerge - and that's the one of the verb conjugation system in Serbian. That's why I made this short universal Serbian conjugations video to help you practise the verb conjugations for verbs we'll be covering in the future:

How to use it:
  1. Decide which verb you want to conjugate - or the Latin script version
  2. Practise saying the verbs with the video - pay attention, in the second part of the video you have to figure out what the subject is (ja, ti, on/ona/ono, mi, vi, or oni/one/ona)
  3. In the previous lessons we did the verbs "ići", "živeti" and "govoriti" - if you can conjugate these verbs in the Simple Present, you are ready for the next step

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