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Wednesday, April 01, 2015

How to Say April Fool in Serbian?

How to Say April Fool in Serbian?

The most common way to celebrate April Fool's day in Serbia is to play a joke on someone and then, if they fall for it, say "Aprililili". Yes, after "April" you will add "i-li-li" :)

I guess that the most ambitious learners will enjoy watching an episode of "Državni posao" dedicated to this day:

I am aware that it is quite difficult to understand, but do try to persevere with it and answer these three general questions:

  1. Da li je Boškić naseo na šalu? (nasesti na šalu = to fall for the joke / to be taken in)
  2. Da li je Čvarkov stigao da prevari Torbicu ? (prevariti = to play a joke/trick/prank on someone)
  3. Kako je Torbica uspeo da se našali sa Čvarkovim*?
*Jedno pitanje iz gramatike, samo za moje učenike: zašto je "sa Čvarkovim" tačno, a ne "sa Čvarkovom"?

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