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Monday, July 13, 2015

Present Participle in Serbian

Present Participle in Serbian

After watching this short video lesson dedicated to present participle in Serbian, try to figure out which form to use!  Useful vocabulary:
  1. uživati = to enjoy (uživam, uživaš, uživa // uživamo, uživate, uživaju)
  2. gledati = to watch (gledam, gledaš, gleda // gledamo, gledate, gledaju)
  3. gledajući = watching (while watching)
  4. uživam gledajući... = I enjoy watching...
  5. slušati = to listen to (slušam, slušaš, sluša // slušamo, slušate, slušaju)
  6. slušajući = listening (while listening)
  7. smirivati = to calm down (smirujem, smiruješ, smiruje // smirujemo, smirujete, smiruju)
  8. smirujući = calming
  9. smrzavati = to freeze (smrzavam, smrzavaš, smrzava // smrzavamo, smrzavate, smrzavaju)
  10. provoditi = to spend (provodim, provodiš, provodi// provodimo, provodite, provode)
  11. obilaziti = to be visiting (obilazim, obilaziš, obilazi // obilazimo, obilazite, obilaze)
  12. obilazeći = visiting (while visiting)
  13. teći = to flow (tečem, tečeš, teče //  tečemo, tečete, teku)
  14. razmišljati = to think about (razmišljam, razmišljaš, razmišlja // razmišljamo, razmišljate, razmišljaju)
  15. razmišljajući = thinking (while thinking about)

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