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Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Friday, April 06, 2018

Serbian Easter - Listening Exercise

I am sure you are all looking forward to Orthodox Easter on Sunday :) If you are wondering why Orthodox Easter falls on a different day, here comes an explanation.

Both Orthodox Easter and Easter Sunday commemorate the resurrection of Jesus, however they are celebrated on different dates, as they are based on two different calendars. Orthodox churches in some countries continue to use the Julian calendar, for example in Russia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Georgia, Ukraine, and the Greek Old Calendarists  base their Easter date on the Julian calendar rather than the Gregorian Calendar that is used in Britain. As with Easter in Britain, Orthodox Easter observers continue fasting through Holy Week, ending their fast on Orthodox Easter Sunday.

Since this blog is dedicated to language learning, let's focus on  a few fresh videos about Easter in this region and diaspora, with authentic language. For the previous years' blog posts on this topic, check out this link.

Shopping for Easter


How to Colour Eggs - in Serbian 

How to Colour Eggs - in  English 

Uskršnji Video Uradi Sam = DIY Easter Edition


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Get Ready for Easter

In the course of the past ten years, there's been a lot of posts about Orthodox Easter. I covered different topics, from the greetings to video stories about it, songs and songs . However, I still haven't written about one of the kids' most favourite tradition: egg tapping or "kucanje jajima".

Let me share with you what Wikipedia says about it:

Egg tapping, or also known as egg fightegg knockingegg pacqueingegg boxingegg picking[1] or egg jarping is a traditional Easter game. 

The rule of the game is simple. One holds a hard-boiled egg and taps the egg of another participant with one's own egg intending to break the other's, without breaking one's own. As with any other game, it has been a subject of cheating; eggs with cementalabaster, and even marble cores have been reported.[2]

To see what it looks like in one local community, I'm sharing a video about Easter egg fight from 2014, along with the listening comprehension quiz. For an easier quiz based video with basic greetings and common Easter phrases, check out my blog on Patreon.

Ћирилични задатак: одслушајте видео и допуните празна места. Резултат је у коментару :)
  1. Милица је добила ово јаје од ________ .
  2. Милица има ________ година.
  3. Милица је ________ у куцању ускршњим јајима.
  4. Ово је ________ такмичење у куцању јаја.
  5. Деца знају да код куће треба да направе ________ турнир.
  6. Данас је било ________деце.
  7. Све је протекло у ________ духу.


Latinični zadatak: odslušajte video i dopunite prazna mesta. Rezultat je u komentaru :)
  1. Milica je dobila ovo jaje od ________ . 
  2. Milica ima ________ godina. 
  3. Milica je ________ u kucanju uskršnjim jajima.
  4. Ovo je ________ takmičenje u kucanju jaja.
  5. Deca znaju da kod kuće treba da naprave ________ turnir.
  6. Danas je bilo ________dece.
  7. Sve je proteklo u ________ duhu.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Happy Easter in Serbian

Hristos voskrese!


Ljudi likujte, narodi čujte:
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Zvezde igrajte, gore pevajte,
Hristos voskrese, radost donese!
Šume šumite, vetri brujite,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Mora gudite, zveri ričite,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Pčele se rojte, a ptice pojte,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Anđeli stojte, pesmu utrojte,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Nebo se snizi, zemlju uzvisi,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Zvona zvonite, svima javite,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Slava ti Bože, sve ti se može,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!

Sv. vladika Nikolaj Žički

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Easter Day in Serbia

Easter Day in Serbia

On Easter day people in Serbia crack their Easter eggs with one another, in search for the strongest egg :) We start from the early morning! At first, during breakfast we start cracking eggs and each of us keeps the strongest one. Then we meet with our relatives at Sunday lunch where we continue with this never-ending fight. There is usually one egg which beats all the rest and we keep it until the next year. 

In this video you can see what it looks like:

Here comes an exercise where you can practice the Genitive case together with the possessive form and comparatives (bolji / gori = better / worse; jači / slabiji = stronger / weaker; lepši / ružniji = nicer / uglier; manje / veće =smaller/bigger etc.). Watch the video first and then decide whose egg is stronger/better/weaker/worse! Have fun and a Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Ready for Orthodox Easter?

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book