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Sunday, May 01, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

SkolaSrpskog.com Easter Egg Hunt finished on Tuesday. Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to everyone for joining ! It wasn't easy  to find an egg and then to record an answer in Serbian. All the members of Learn Serbian Podcast FaceBook group were able to follow this exciting hunt. I'm publishing the results now ... you can read them as "This prize is in..." = Ova nagrada je u ..." or "This egg is now in..." = "Ovo jaje je sada u ..." 

Since the first egg at the top, worth 3 months of free Aktivator membership, was the most difficult to find, and wasn't claimed at all, I'll give it to Silvina from Argentina, the woman behind @NovakFunClub . There was also one more unclaimed egg, worth one month of free SkolaSrpskog Aktivator, which I'm giving to Tina - a dedicated student from the Netherlands. Čestitke svima  :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hvala puno marina.
i couldnt find the egg, because i had a surgery, i had cataract. ali sve je okmpozdrav tina.

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