Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Study Serbian via Youtube

You can study Serbian by simply watching Youtube channels. With this new tool which I've discovered recently, I'll be adding annotations to a certain part of the video, in its basic form, and you can use it when learning / teaching Serbian. For example:

When you see "+ulica", make one of the following sentences:

1. Želeo / želela bih da vidim + mesto (= place, but in Accusative)
2. Hoću da vidim /posetim (visit) + mesto in Accusative
3. Interesuje me + mesto in Nominative (use plural with common nouns)
4. Sviđa / sviđaju mi se + mesto in Nominative (sviđa + Sg. or sviđaju + Pl.)

The first example:
1. Želela bih da vidim zgrade (u Beogradu).
2. Želela bih da posetim Skupštinu (u Beogradu).
3. Interesuje me da vidim Sava centar (u Beogradu).
4. Sviđaju mi se ulice (u Beogradu).

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