Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label speaking drills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label speaking drills. Show all posts

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Serbian Speaking Exercise 001

Here comes a fun slider to help you improve your speaking skills while describing these two photos:

Useful conjugations:

  1. RAZMIŠLJATI: razmišljAM - razmišljAŠ - razmišljA /// razmišljAMO - razmišljATE - razmišljAJU
  2. RAZGOVARATI: razgovarAM ... razgovarAJU
  3. RADITI: radIM - radIŠ - radi /// radIMO - radITE - radE
  4. MISLITI: mislim - misliš - misli /// mislimo - mislite - misle
What is the difference between MISLITI and RAZMIŠLJATI?
Common collocations with translations will certainly help:
  1. Mislim na tebe = I am thinking of you
  2. Razmišljam / Mislim o tebi = I am thinking of you
  3. Mislim da je knjiga dosadna = I think that the book is boring
  4. Razmišljam da te nešto pitam = I've been thinking to ask you something

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Practice Speaking Serbian

A great way to practice speaking Serbian is by playing fun online games which are as simple as:
  • finding a hidden object
  • dress up flash games 
  • cooking and similar
  • spotting a difference
  • asteroid language games
You can practice speaking by following these steps:

  • at first watch the video with me pronouncing the phrases/sentences
  • try to speak along with me
  • next, mute the video and say the phrases or sentences  on your own
  • finally, you are ready to play these games yourself and speak in Serbian while playing them :)
Let me show you a few examples of the videos I created for my students.

Speaking Exercise in Serbian with GA, JE, IH

Practice Speaking Serbian - NOSITI

Parctising Serbian Vocabulary

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Plural in Serbian - Video Exercise

Plural in Serbian

In this video exercise you can practice forming plural in Serbian and drilling it with the following phrases:

  • Da li je to banka?
  • Da li su to banke?
The explanation about the plural in Serbian can be found on the video or more detailed one, with exercises here.

More examples from the video:

The examples in the video are as follows:
1. banka - banke
2. prodavnica -. prodavnice
3. apoteka - apoteke
4. park - parkovi
5. trg - trgovi
6. muzej - muzeji
7. bioskop - bioskopi
8. pozorište - pozorišta
9. mesto - mesta

Sunday, May 07, 2017

Family Members and Friends in Serbian

Another Quizlet video exercise for you to practice the pronunciation of the following words:
  • mama = mother
  • tata = father
  • sestra = sister
  • brat = brother
  • sin = son
  • ćerka = daughter
  • drug = close friend masc.
  • drugarica = close friend fem.
  • prijatelj = friend masc.
  • prijateljica = friend fem.
  • kolega =colleague masc.
  • koleginica = colleague fem.

Best Way to Learn 

Monday, February 03, 2014

Revising Serbian Phrases

It's true that it might be difficult to understand some of the Serbian phrases if pronounced quite fast and somewhat incomprehensibly, but the real challenge is surely how to respond appropriately!

That's why I recorded a new video lesson for you, which can be used at all levels (click stop when you are out of your depth). You can use it in different ways:
  • To check how well you can understand fast speech, simply listen to the phrases and try to jot them down, without watching the video below!
  • If it is too easy, try to hear the phrase and then respond to it, as fast as you can, without clicking the pause button.
  • If you are not sure if you understood the phrases, play the video while watching it. 
  • Now, if you are sure what all the phrases mean, try to respond to them, even try to write down/practice with your language partner, how you'd continue the conversation. 
  • Have fun!

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book