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Showing posts with label Serbian Lexicology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian Lexicology. Show all posts

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Serbian 302 - Serbian Lexicology, Who Recovered?

Serbian 302 - Serbian Lexicology 

One of the very productive prefixes to form a verb out of an adjective is the prefix O-. If you know the meaning of the following adjectives, you'll surely know how to make verbs out of them and expand your vocabulary in an easy way:


  • Serbian 302 - Who Recovered?

    Before checking the meaning of the words, can you simply add an O in front of each adjective. To make it a verb you also need to add the -O suffix (for Masc. form of the verb in the past tense).  
    For example:  OZDRAVIO 
    1. Ko je OzdraviO? 

    I googled the following stories:
    1. Ozdravio Frančesko Toti 
    2. Ozdravio Čeda

    Serbian Lexicology - Verb Formation

    Now, let's do the same thing for each of these newly created verbs:
  • GLADAN - ogladneo
  • PAMETAN - opametio
  • BOGAT - obogatio
  • ŽENJEN - oženio 
  • SLOBODAN - oslobodio

  • After googling them, answer the following questions:
      2. Ko je OgladneO?
        3. Ko se _pameti__?
          5. Ko se _bogati_?
            6. Ko se  _ženi_?
              7. Ko je _slobodi_ ? 

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