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Showing posts with label Serbian adjectives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian adjectives. Show all posts

Monday, August 05, 2013

Serbian Adjectives in Accusative

Now that you've practised a set of  verbs which require the Accusative case, in different tenses and with different nouns ( which you have seen / broken / bought /sold / fixed / turned off / turned on etc.), it's time you did the same exercise, but this time with adjectives.

The topic of adjectives in Serbian is always tricky as they not only agree with the number and gender of the noun, but also with its case. While in some cases, like in the Accusative for example, the case endings are the same for the nouns and adjectives, it's not always that easy ( e.g. in the Genitive case).

That's why we'll stick to the Accusative case today, because we've already practised it and it's easy!
Let's watch the same video and add the following adjectives in front of each noun :
  • MODERAN = modern
  • JEFTIN = cheap
  • SKUP = expensive
  • VELIKI = big
  • MALI = small
  • NOVI = new
  • STARI = old
  • DOBAR = good
For example: 

  • Kupila sam veliki televizor i malU peglU. 
  • Htela sam da kupim i modernE lampE, ali bile su previše skupE
  • Na kraju sam kupila jeftinE tosterE. Jedan za mene a jedan za mamu. 
As you can see, the Accusative form of the adjectives with nouns denoting inanimate objects is pretty straightforward - it simply agrees with the noun adding the final endings both for the Sg. and Pl. in the same manner as the noun.  Let me share with you an exercise based on this blog post and the video (click on the question mark to get a hint which adjective to use).

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Serbian Lesson 4 - Learn Serbian for 365 Days

If you are a real beginner in Serbian, make sure you don't miss the previous lessons at this level, before you start preparing yourself to connect the previous knowledge (The verb TO BE) and Serbian adjectives with the following lesson which will be about the Greetings in Serbian:

Friday, November 02, 2012

What's Something Like in Serbian

How to say "what is something like in Serbian" ? Listen to this song and answer my questions in the quiz. Make sure you click "Finish Survey" at the end in order to get an instant feedback:

Uradite kviz odmah = Do the quiz immediately!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Comparatives of Serbian Adjectives in Context

This is actually one of the lessons I created in Serbian 201 course, so if you want to see it clearly feel free to check it out on my courses page, as I posted it as a free sample lesson.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Adjective Comparison in Serbian

Want to practise comparing adjectives in Serbian ? Best way is to do it in relaxed atomsphere, while listening to "old-town songs" and  playing the comparison  game I made for you, rather than learning the myriads of sound change rules :) Hope you like it!

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

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By Marina Petrović
Photo book