Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label Serbian adjectives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian adjectives. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

His and Her in Serbian

His and Her in Serbian

While his = njegov and her = njen sounds pretty easy and straightforward, there is a little catch. These are possessive adjectives and therefore they agree with the noun they describe. That's why they will have all kinds of suffixes to mirror the main noun in number, case and gender.

Today will stick just to the basic Nominative case and see how NJEGOV and NJEN mirror the gender of the nouns through the following exercises:

HIS and HER in Serbian with a funny photo

Simply look at the photo and write his shirt (njegovA košuljA) or her shirt (njenA košuljA), based on the position of the question in the photo:

His and Her in Serbian

HIS and HER in Serbian with Quizlet

If you have learnt clothes with one of my previous lessons, this one will be a piece of cake = prosto ko pasulj:

If you would like to get all my video lessons with explanations in English, translations and additional exercises like the ones above, in the meaningful order, consider joining me on Patreon.

Monday, May 09, 2016

15 Most Frequent Adjectives in Serbian

When I started teaching Serbian I relied on the textbooks which taught commonly used adjectives one might need, such as "gladan" (hungry), "žedan" (thirsty), "lep" (beautiful), srećan (happy), tužan (sad) etc. This makes sense, doesn't it?

However, when I flicked through the list of the most frequently used adjectives I was surprised to find out that none of the "useful" ones was listed!!! That's why I made three sets of Quizlet exercises and recorded the pronunciation for the each of the 15 most frequent adjectives in Serbian, so you can learn them by choosing the activity you like best:
  1. Flash cards
  2. Learning activity
  3. Spelling activity
  4. Tests
  5. Scatter game
  6. Gravity game
  7. Spacerace game 

15 Most Frequent Adjectives in Serbian - Masc. Sg. Form

15 Most Frequent Adjectives in Serbian - Fem. Sg. Form

15 Most Frequent Adjectives in Serbian - Neut. Sg. Form

If you just started learning Serbian it can prove useful simply to do different quizlet activities to help you understand as much as possible at first. The most beautiful thing with Quizlet activities is that you can learn by playing games of Gravity and Spacerace! You can also access Quizlet on your mobile and practice while you are commuting! Finally, they are free (no need to buy anything, just register through Fb og Google to track your results, nothing more)!

Next time we'll practice these words in context!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Advanced Serbian Video Lessons

 After watching this video (several times) try to do the following exercises

 and  answer these questions:
1. Kako se zove prvi kandidat za posao ?
2. Koje su njegove prednosti ?
3. Koje su njegove mane ?
4. Koji posao bi on želeo da radi ?
5. Koji posao mu je predložen ?
6. Da li ga je odmah prihvatio ?
7. Koji je prigovor poslodavca dok on izlazi iz kancelarije ?
8. Kako se zovi drugi kandidat ?
9. Koje su njegove prednosti ?
10. Koje su njegove mane ?
11. Koji posao mu je predložen ?
12. Da li ga je odmah prihvatio ?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Beginner Serbian - New Lesson with Exercises

In the previous post about easy texts in Serbian, I said that I wasn't very happy with the quality of the audio recording. Today, when I tried to fix it, I ended up changing the video structure and creating 3 more videos for you to practise. I'm sure you'll like this new version more and that the previous one. If you are a real beginner in Serbian, you can take a look at the vocabulary list while watching the video:

  1. OVO = THIS
  1. JE = IS
  1. OVO JE = THIS IS...
  1. ŽENA = WIFE
  1. LEP = BEAUTIFUL (Fem: lepa)
  1. MLAD = YOUNG (Fem: mlada)
  1. RUŽAN = UGLY (Fem: ružna)
  1. STAR = OLD (Fem: stara)
  1. VISOK = TALL (Fem: visoka)
  1. NIZAK = SHORT (Fem: niska)
  1. JOŠ = STILL
  1. PAS = DOG
  • MOJ -mojA sestrA - mojE detE - mojI prijateljI - mojE prijateljicE - mojA decA
  • TVOJ
  • NJEN

Exercise 1 - Verbs are missing. You can mute the video in order to do the exercise on your own.

Exercise 2 - Make a similar story about your family.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Serbian Adjectives in Accusative

Now that you've practised a set of  verbs which require the Accusative case, in different tenses and with different nouns ( which you have seen / broken / bought /sold / fixed / turned off / turned on etc.), it's time you did the same exercise, but this time with adjectives.

The topic of adjectives in Serbian is always tricky as they not only agree with the number and gender of the noun, but also with its case. While in some cases, like in the Accusative for example, the case endings are the same for the nouns and adjectives, it's not always that easy ( e.g. in the Genitive case).

That's why we'll stick to the Accusative case today, because we've already practised it and it's easy!
Let's watch the same video and add the following adjectives in front of each noun :
  • MODERAN = modern
  • JEFTIN = cheap
  • SKUP = expensive
  • VELIKI = big
  • MALI = small
  • NOVI = new
  • STARI = old
  • DOBAR = good
For example: 

  • Kupila sam veliki televizor i malU peglU. 
  • Htela sam da kupim i modernE lampE, ali bile su previše skupE
  • Na kraju sam kupila jeftinE tosterE. Jedan za mene a jedan za mamu. 
As you can see, the Accusative form of the adjectives with nouns denoting inanimate objects is pretty straightforward - it simply agrees with the noun adding the final endings both for the Sg. and Pl. in the same manner as the noun.  Let me share with you an exercise based on this blog post and the video (click on the question mark to get a hint which adjective to use).

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book