Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label Serbian for beginners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian for beginners. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Serbian for Beginners - Connecting the Dots

If you have successfully did the previous lessons
  1. Lesson 1 - Pronouns and the verb to be
  2. Lesson 2 - International words
  3. Lesson 3 - The verb to be
  4. Lesson 4 - Adjective "dobar" (good)
it means that you are ready to connect the dots, and learn how to greet people in Serbian, which is your lesson 5: 

The previous posts on this topic can be found under the heading "greetings in Serbian" - Don't forget to do the follow-up exercise, too!

All the new recordings from Serbian 101 course are available on Udemy now!

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Serbian Lesson 4 - Learn Serbian for 365 Days

If you are a real beginner in Serbian, make sure you don't miss the previous lessons at this level, before you start preparing yourself to connect the previous knowledge (The verb TO BE) and Serbian adjectives with the following lesson which will be about the Greetings in Serbian:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

365 Days of Serbian Language - Beginner Lesson 3

If you practised the verb TO BE in the Serbian in my previous lessons,  I'm sure this will be an easy task for you:
  1. Mute this video before watching it and try to give / write the correct answers for each button. 
  2. You can write down the answers and then watch the video again and listen to Jeremija giving his responses. 
  3. Has he made any mistakes and if he has, correct the wrong answers (you can write the replies in the comment)

*This is also a smooth intro to the lesson on numbers in Serbian.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Serbian Language Day 8 - Beginner Serbian, Lesson 2

Serbian for beginners, lesson 2:

If you successfully completed the previous lesson, and vežbe = exercises jedan and dva, you are ready for the followin lesson covering the phrase "This is ..." and "This isn't ...". Watch the video exercise and try to guess:
  1. what "OVO" means ?
  2. what is the negative form of "JE" ?


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Serbian Language 365 - Day 1

As you've probably noticed, I recently started making  new series of HD Serbian courses. Each Tuesday I  introduce you the Serbian 101, a course for the real beginners. It is a completely new version of the  Serbian for Beginners 101, which will be available via Udemy and Plimus platforms in February.

In this series of blog posts which will be published every day, I'll be posting some of the new video lessons together with accompanying exercises. I'm sure you'll enjoy it !

The verb To Be in Serbian:

Additional exercises:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Serbian for Beginners - Common Mistakes

This is a short video with Jeremija, who was pretty tired when answering my questions, so he made quite a few mistakes. Try to figure out which numbers are wrong, and what he should have said:

If you want to watch the video lessons covering the same topic and level, check out this page with beginner Serbian lessons.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Serbian for Beginners - Easy Lessons

If you've been following super easy lessons of Serbian, you'll be familiar with Jeremija's family and I'm sure you'll be able to solve this mystery:
Conjugation of the verb "imati" in the Present Tense:


You can leave your replies in the comments below:
Beginner lesson course: Serbian 101

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Interactive Video Lessons of Serbian

Words which you might not know are as follows:

  1. on = he
  2. iz = from 
  3. godina = year
  4. godine = years
  5. imati = to have
  6. on ima = he has
  7. star = old
  8. inspektor = inspector
  9. raditi = to work
  10. on radi = he works
  11. oženjen = married
  12. udata = married
  13. dete = child
  14. deca = children
  15. sin = son
  16. ćerka = daughter

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Serbian For Beginners, Perica At School

Perica: Učiteljice, nisam zaslužio da mi date keca na kontrolnom zadatku!

Učiteljica: U pravu si, ali manje nisam mogla da ti dam!


*** v o c a b u l a r y ***

1. učiteljica = teacher
2. zaslužiti da = deserve to (nisam zaslužio - I haven't deserved)
3. mi (meni) = me (to me)
4. dati = give
5. kec (sl.) = failing grade (one)
6. na kontrolnom zadatku = in the test
7. u pravu si = you are right
8. ali =but
9. manje = fewer/less
10. moći = can (nisam mogla = I couldn't)

*** a u d i o ***

*** practice ***
Verb ZASLUŽITI (deserve) - Write the negative form of the verb:

Zaslužio sam =__________ zaslužio
Zaslužila sam = __________ _________

Zaslužio si =__________ _________
Zaslužila si =__________ _________

on/ona = he/she
Zaslužio je =__________ _________
Zaslužila je = __________ _________

mi= we
Zaslužili smo = __________ _________
Zaslužile smo =__________ _________

vi = you
Zaslužili ste= __________ _________
Zaslužile ste= __________ _________

oni/one/ona = they
Zaslužili su=__________ _________
Zaslužile su =__________ _________
Zaslužila su =__________ _________

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Serbian for Beginners, Jokes about Perica

Perica: Mama, rekao sam ti sto puta da ne volim sir s rupama!
Mama: Ti onda jedi sir, a rupe ostavi.
I told you = rekao sam ti (Masc.)rekla sam ti (Fem.)
Hundred times = sto puta
I don't like/love = ne volim
cheese = sir
with = s
holes = rupe (with holes = s rupama)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Serbian TO BE with the song "Čokolada"

Remember the verb TO BE in Serbian ?
Listen to this song and try to add the missing 
Ti ___1____ moja čokolada
Ja ___2___ tvoja čokolada
I da ____3____ tako mlada, _____4____ bih te ljubio x2
__5__ bih te ljubio...
__6__ bih te ljubio x10
--- When you send me the reply, you'll receive the vocabulary and translation :-)
Enjoy singing the song because "ko peva zlo ne misli" :)

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book