Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label Serbian phrases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian phrases. Show all posts

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Warnings in Serbian :)

If you ever wondered how to warn someone in Serbian, let me give you a list of phrases, starting from the most formal ones:
Formal and semi-formal warnings:

  • Dozvoli da te upozorim da ne + present (2nd person Sg. - with 2nd p. Pl, start with "Dozvolite da Vas upozorim...)
  • Ono što ja ne bih nikako uradila je da + present (1st person Sg.)
  • Ako me pitaš za savet, nikako nemoj da + present (2nd person Sg. - with 2nd p. Pl, start with "Ako me pitate za savet, nikako nemojTE da...)
Informal warnings:
  • Pazi se + noun in the Genitive case or gerund (verbal nouns ending in -nje, again in Gen.)
  • Nemoj da + present (2nd person Sg or Pl)
  • Šta god da radiš, nikako nemoj da + present (2nd person Sg. - with 2nd p. Pl, start with Šta god da radite, nikako nemojTE da...) 

If you need all these phrases written both in the Cyrillic and Latin script, pronounced slowly, check  Serbian phrases link.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Serbian Speaking Practice

One of my favourite parts of a language lesson is when my students can speak in Serbian on their own. That's why I enjoy creating digital teaching materials to help them with visual prompts. Here comes one of my recent videos in the speaking practice series covering the topic of weather.

If you are not sure what vocabulary to use, here comes the list of the previous posts with:

So you can feel more confident to speak in Serbian while watching the video:

As you can see in the background there's a photo of a season, so you can make more complicated sentences like:

  • U jesen obično pada kiša i tmurno je.
  • U proleće retko pada sneg (because you can see the snow slide against the spring background). Obično je sunčano i ponekad je kišovito.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Serbian Phrases Course

I think it's been high time I resumed our regular, day-by-day postings with video lessons of the Serbian language. As usual, I'll do my best to help you in the most practical way with the interactive videos, like this one:

This is one of 65 lessons with more than 4.5 hours of content from the course Serbian Phrases, which has finally been completed. All the videos with slow pronunciation are based on phrase lists both in the Serbian Cyrillic and Latin script! There's also an ever-growing number of additional video exercises, like the one above. For all of you who'd like to buy the course and know how to say 'n' write "FaithfulFollower" in Serbian, will  get a significant discount if they  type it in the coupon code box :) Enjoy it!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Serbian Phrases - At the Hotel

This is one of the videos with the slow Serbian pronunciation of the words and phrases written in the Cyrillic script, which I'm currently creating. Feel free to leave your comments and feedback regarding the speed of pronunciation and usefulness of such video lessons.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Introduction to Serbian Phrases

Since there'll be more visitors to Serbia in the upcoming period, I decided to launch the complete course called Serbian Phrases (this is a free e-book). In the meantime I want to show you one of the recordings:

and the structure of the course, which is divided into fifteen sections or topics. Each topic has the following structure:
  1. Slowly read phrases - video lesson
  2. Listed phrases as a pdf file, both in Cyrillic and Latin alphabet
  3. Slowly read phrases with Cyrillic text
  4. Dialogue AB
  5. Dialogue A
  6. Dialogue B

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Photo book