Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label Serbian poems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian poems. Show all posts

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Practicing Cyrillic Script

If you need to practise writing Serbian Cyrillic script, it's a good idea to either

read these beautiful poems by Mika Antić...

...and type down while reading...

or simply click pause and write it in your diary :)

If you want a more difficult practice, simply listen Mika and jot down what he's saying :)

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Learn Serbian 365 Days with Songs and Poems - Branko Miljković

If you are at upper-intermediate or advanced level of Serbian, I'm sure you'll fall in love with this poem at first sight/hearing :) Zaljubićete se u ovu pesmu Branka Miljkovića na prvi pogled / prvo slušanje :)

If you are not sure about the words and the meanings, you'll  find it on this lyricstranslation.com page.
For all those who'd like to practise the Genitive case after the preposition "zbog" = because of, here is the exercise based on this magnificient poem.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Learn Serbian for 365 Days - Songs and Poems

Last time I explained why I incorporated so many beautiful Serbian songs into my teaching. Besides these popular songs, I'd also like to share the well-known poems, which are the part of Serbian culture and heritage.

Although learning them by heart is not very popular nowadays, I still remember many a verse because we had to learn them by heart at school a few decades ago (yes, I'm that old). Once you mention a few lines of a well-known verse, it will surely enrich the conversation, triggering some deeper layers of meaning and connotation.

That's why I'll create a follow-up exercise, for each poem or song, which you can do while listening to the pronunciation. I'll emphasize in bold the most prominent and recognizable lines, so you can learn them if you wish to :)

Let me start with the beautiful Santa Maria Della Salute by one of the most notable Serbian poets, Laza Kostić:

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Most Beautiful Poems in Serbian Language

Monday, November 01, 2010

Jesen = Autumn

Autumn (jesen)

Nestalo je __________ (leto), došla jesen _________ (žut),
Nema više veća kraj _________________ (šuma) i puta.

A ptičice __________ (mali) otišle su ____________ (jug),
Nema više __________ (pesma) u ____________ (šuma) i lugu.

Ništa zato _________________ (deca),
Jesen će ____________ (mi) proći
Onda će ____________ (mi) opet
______________ (white) zima doći.

Pre-teach "nestalo je"

1-brašno (flour)

Nestalo je brašna

2-mleko (milk)

Nestalo je mleka

3-šećer (sugar)

Nestalo je šećera

4-benzin (petrol)

Nestalo je šećera

5-voda (water)

Nestalo je vode

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book