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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Weather conditions in Serbian

Kakvo je vreme = what is the weather like?

Vreme je lepo /užasno (ružno) = The weather is nice /terrible(nasty)
Kišovito = rainy
Vetrovito = windy
Hladno = cold
Toplo = warm
Maglovito = foggy
Oblačno = cloudy
Sunčano = sunny
Olujno = stormy
Kontinentalna klima = continental climate
Blaga klima = mild climate
Umerena klima = moderate climate
Vremenska prognoza = weather forecast
Kiša će! = it is going to rain!

1 comment:

casey said...

I am a beginner so it would help if we could hear the sounds. I believe this will help beginners like me to hear and speak the words while learning to write Serbian. The counting of numbers that I listened to is somewhat hard to understand the pronounciation. The site for useful links 4 learning, free online lessons are great, excellent for beginners. Casey

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