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Friday, July 18, 2014

Active and Passive Voice in Serbian

Listen to this interesting story about Filip Vukša, a modest Belgrade hero, and try to do the following exercises dedicated to the verb forms in active and passive voice in Serbian.

a. Exercise 1 - filling in the gaps with the appropriate verb form in active voice.
b. Exercise 2 - turning the verbs which were in the active voice from into passive voice.

For some more exercises about the passive voice verb forms (trpni glagolski pridevi), here come two drills:
a. Lakša vežba
b. Teža vežba

1 comment:

cisc said...

Es gibt viel zu lernen, aber ich glaube die Serbische Sprache zu erlernen ist wirklich eine Herausforderung. Viel Erfolg ! Much Sucess!

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