Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Monday, January 16, 2017

Serbian Video Lessons with Pronunciation

Today we are practising three simple questions and three simple answers:
  1. Where do you / You live? = Где живиш / живите?= Gde živiš / živite? 
  2. What do you / You do? = Шта радиш / радите? (Чиме се бавиш / бавите?)  = Šta radiš / radite? (Čime se baviš / bavite?) 
  3. What do you do in your free time? = Шта радиш / радите у слободно време? = Šta radiš / radite u slobodno vreme?
The answers are as follows:
  1. Живим у ... = Živim u ... (I live in ...Beogradu / Limi - check out the previous posts about the Locative case)
  2. Радим као ... = Radim kao ...(I work as a ...profesor / lekar - check out the video about occupations)
  3. У слободно време ... = U slobodno vreme ...( In my free time I learn Seriban - učim srpski - check out the previous video about hobbies)

Serbian Video Lessons with Pronunciation

Now that you understand what we are going to talk about, you are ready for the video lesson! Have fun!

If you are a beginner and want to learn Serbian in the easiest way possible, do join my new & revamped Seriban Activator newsletter!

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