Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Describing an Event

Take a look at this dark photo, light it bit by bit and try to explain what's going on by starting each sentence with:

"Mislim da ..."
"Vidim ..., znači da ..."

Click here for larger version


Anonymous said...

Hello! I'm from Spain and i love Serbia! I want to learn Serbian... Can I learn a basic serbian in your blog? Thanks!
P.S: I think serbian is very difficult...

Marina said...

Hi there! I am sure you can learn lots of useful language chunks by following my blog, as well as youtube channel http://youtube.com/learnserbian . If you want, you can join my Serbian101 on www.udemy.com . We have online lessons which are based on the video lessons, once a week. P.s. Although ppl say that Serbian is difficult, you'd be amazed to know that it is much easier to start speaking Serbian than English, because the word order is not fixed as in English..

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