Learn Serbian

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Friday, September 27, 2019

Serbian 701 - Lesson 1, Exercises

In one of the more advanced Serbian language courses, you can learn how to use the following set of phrases to talk about yourself and important occasions when you want to:https://www.learnserbianblog.com/2018/09/serbian-advanced-course.html
  • treat someone = častiti  / počastiti nekog
  • take someone out to a restaurant = izvesit nekog u restoran
as well as reasons
  • to retire = otići u penziju
  • to graduate = diplomirati
  • to enroll = upisati se na fakultet

Serbian 701 - Exercises

Let's just watch again the first part, for about 1 minute, until Boškić goes out of the office. Can you hear the words:
  • častim
  • moja čast
  • slavlje
  • upisati akademiju
  • upisati fakultet
Slušajte ponovo i pokušajte da čujete:

  1. Ko časti?
  2. Zašto časti?
  3. Kako časti?
  4. Koga časti?

Exercises with Lesson1, Serbian 701

If you haven't done all the exercises from the previous post, you can do them on this page. Now, we are going to do a brand new exercise and talk about ourselves:

Hajde da vežbamo ove glagole u prošlom vremenu

Govorne vežbe

Posle svih ovih vežbi, vreme je da kažemo nešto o sebi, u kojim prilikama častite prijatelje i porodicu i kako?

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