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Friday, April 03, 2020

Serbian 102 - Here and There

Here and There in Serbian

A well known poem "Beautiful World" by Jovan Jovanović Zmaj can be the perfect content for learning the words such as:

  • Here - ovde
  • There - onde = tamo
  • Here it is = evo
  • There it is = eno

Song with Here and There

Let's listen to this slow version of the song: 

Ala je lep ovaj svet
Onde potok ovde cvet
Tamo njiva ovde sad
Eno sunce evo hlad
Tamo dunav zlata pun
Onde trava ovde žbun
Slavuj pesmom ljulja lug, ja ga slušam i moj drug.


Now it's time to listen to the faster version:

Exercise with HERE and THERE

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