Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label Serbian 102. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian 102. Show all posts

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Serbian 102 - Simple Listening Tasks with Pepa Prase

 If you liked my previous posts with exercises based on Pepa Prase cartoons, you'll like the new series with video quizzes. Let's start with a super easy one from Serbian 102 course :D

Simple Listening Tasks for Learning Serbian 

Or click the link!

Serbian Listening Comprehension Skills

Let's watch this short dialogue and follow the text (the "notes" section, at the top right)!

Useful Vocabulary

  • Veoma = prilično = baš = quite

  • Hajde da = let’s

  • Obući odeću = to put on clothes

  • Topliju odeću = warmer clothes

  • Kapa = cap

  • Kape = caps

  • Šal = scarf

  • Šalove = scarves

  • Kaput = coat

  • Kaputi = coats

  • Podići = to raise

  • Krov = roof

  • Uključiti grejanje =to turn on heat

  • Grejanje  = heat

  • Udobno = comfortable

  • Svima = to everyone 

  • Krenuti = to set off, to leave for, to start going somewhere 

  • Krenimo = let’s go

  • Stići = to arrive

  • Stizati = to be arriving 

  • List = leaf

  • Lišće = leaves 

  • Zašto = why?

  • Igrati se  = to play

  • Hajde da se igramo = let’s play 

  • Ostati zagrejan = to keep warm

  • Red = turn

  • Moj je red = it’s my turn

For Quizlets, grammar tests and games, join my Patreon page :) Hvala!

Monday, August 15, 2022

Serbian 102 - Locative Exercises

Today we are practicing how to say where you are in Serbian with the following words: 

Places in City in Serbian

  1. BANK: Banka - u banci 
  2. CHURCH: Crkva - u crkvi 
  3. BUILDING: Zgrada - u zgradi
  4. GALLERY: Galerija - u galeriji 
  5. PHARMACY: Apoteka - u apoteci 
  6. MUSEUM: Muzej - u muzeju
  7. PARKING: Parking - na parkingu
  8. AERODROM: Aerodrom - na aerodromu 

Gde ste? Where are you?

Time to practice pronunciation

Serbian 102 - Locative Exercises

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Serbian A1-A2, Who am I?

Serbian A1-A2, Who am I?  

A super duper easy exercise to practice Serbian. Try to solve the following puzzle and then guess who the celebrity is. 

Serbian a1- a2 - Vežba

Useful vocabulary to do this exercise:

  1. biti = to be: sam - si - je - smo - ste - su
  2. doručkovati = to have breakfast: doručkujem - doručkuješ - doručkuje - doručkujemo - doručkujete - doručkuju
  3. ručati = to have dinner: ručam - ručaš - ruča - ručamo - ručate - ručaju 
  4. živeti = to live: živim - živiš - živi - živimo - živite - žive
  5. imati = to have: imam - imaš - ima - imamo - imate - imaju 
  6. nositi = to wear: nosim - nosiš - nosi - nosimo - nosite - nose
  7. zvati se = to be called: zovem - zoveš - zove - zovemo - zovete - zovu 
I am sure you did this exercise really well. Now, if you have an idea who the celebrity is, post your ideas in the comments :) Hvala!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Serbian 102 - To Be in Past in Serbian

To Be in Past in Serbian 

In this story you can learn more about Pepa the Pig - Pepa Prase as a baby and what she did when she was little:
  • Pepa Prase je bila beba. 
  • Pepa i Suzi su bile bebe. 

A Story with TO BE in Past in Serbian

Part 1 - Serbian 101 

Let's do the exercise while watching the first part of the video:


  • Ja sam Pepa Prase = I am Peppa Pig
  • Ovo je moj mali brat Džordž = This is my brother, George
  • Ovo je Mama Prase = This is Mommy Pig
  • Ovo je Tata Prase = This is Daddy Pig

    • Suzi ovca je došla da se igra kod Pepe. = Suzy the sheep came to play with Peppa. 
    • Zdravo Suzi = Hello, Suzy
    • Zdravo Pepa = Hello, Peppa
    • Želim nešto da ti pokažem = Let me show you something
    • Pogledaj ovo = Look at this
    • Šta je to? = What is that?
    • To je fotografija = That is a photo.
    • Da li znaš ko je to? = Do you know who that is?
    • To je beba ovca?  = Is that a baby sheep?
    • To sam ja. = That is me.
    • Ti nisi beba. = You are not a baby.
    • To je stara slika. Tada sam bila beba. = This is an old photo. Then I was a baby.
    • Ma ne budi šašava, Suzi. = Don't be silly, Suzy.
    • Nekada pre čak  si i ti bila beba. = Some time before. even you were a baby, too. 
    • Ne, nisam.  = No, I wasn't!
    • Da, jesi. Pitaj svoju mamu! = Yes, you were. Ask your mom!

Part 2 - Serbian 102 


  • Mama, Suzi ne zna šta priča. = Mom, Suzy doesn't know what she is talking about.
  • Da, znam. = Yes, I know.
  • Ona mi kaže da sam nekada i ja bila beba. = She tells me that I was a baby once.
  • Da i  jesi bila, Pepa. Vidi, imam neke slike na računaru. Šta misliš, ko je to? = Yes, you were, Peppa. Look, I have some photos on the computer. What do you think , who is that?
  • To je beba Aleksandar. (Aleksandar je Pepin rođak) = That is a baby Alexander.
  • Ne, to si ti kao beba, Pepa. (Beba - Pepa) = No, that is you, as a baby, Peppa.
  • Vidi tata, to je moja slika kada sam bila beba. = Look, daddy, that is my photo when I was a baby.
  • Toga se dobro sećam. Slikali smo te kada smo se uselili u ovu kuću. = I remember it well. We took photos when we moved into this house.
  • Kako to misliš? = What do you mean?
  • Kada si bila beba, preselili smo se ovde. Sve stvari smo preneli na našem automobilu. Mama prase je okačila neke slike. = When you are a baby, we moved in here. All the things we carried in our car. Mommy Pig put up some paintings.
  • Tata prase je okačio policu, a deka prase nam je zasadio divnu baštu. = Daddy Pig set up a bookcase, and Grandpa Pig planted a wonderful garden.
  • A gde je sada dekino lepo cveće, mama? =Mom, where is the grandpa's beautiful flowers now?

Friday, April 03, 2020

Serbian 102 - Here and There

Here and There in Serbian

A well known poem "Beautiful World" by Jovan Jovanović Zmaj can be the perfect content for learning the words such as:

  • Here - ovde
  • There - onde = tamo
  • Here it is = evo
  • There it is = eno

Song with Here and There

Let's listen to this slow version of the song: 

Ala je lep ovaj svet
Onde potok ovde cvet
Tamo njiva ovde sad
Eno sunce evo hlad
Tamo dunav zlata pun
Onde trava ovde žbun
Slavuj pesmom ljulja lug, ja ga slušam i moj drug.


Now it's time to listen to the faster version:

Exercise with HERE and THERE

Monday, November 25, 2019

Expanding Serbian Vocabulary - Car Parts

In case you need  a list of the most important car parts in Serbian, here is the list of useful words with additional exercises, games and tests :)

Expanding Serbian Vocabulary - Car Parts

  1. akumulator - car battery
  2. automatski menjač - automatic transmission
  3. blatobran - fender
  4. bočni retrovizor - side mirror
  5. branik - bumper
  6. brisači - windshield wipers
  7. gas pedala - gas pedal / accelerator
  8. gepek - trunk/boot
  9. guma - tire/tyre
  10. hauba - hood/bonnet
  11. kontrolna tabla - dashboard
  12. kvačilo - clutch
  13. menjač - manual transmission / gearshift
  14. motor - engine
  15. paljenje - ignition
  16. pedala za kočnice - brake pedal
  17. pojas - seatbelt
  18. prednja svetla - Headlights
  19. pregrada za rukavice - glove compartment / glovebox
  20. registarske tablice - license plate
  21. retrovizor - rearview mirror
  22. rezervna guma - spare tire/tyre
  23. rezervoar - gas tank/fuel tank
  24. ručna kočnica - emergency brake / hand brake
  25. sedište za dete - child seat / car seat
  26. šoferšajbna - windshield
  27. stop svetla - taillight/brake lights
  28. truba - horn
  29. vazdušni jastuk - airbag
  30. volan - steering wheel
  31. zadnja svetla - backup light/reverse lights
  32. žmigavac - turn signal/indicator

Car Parts in Serbian - Exercises

Car Parts in Serbian - Test

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Serbian 102 - Nominative, Accusative and Locative

Let me tell you that the fifth book for learning Serbian is ready to be published. Here comes one exercise based from it. Let me know if it is useful and if you need more of these?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Serbian 102 - Word order with SE

It can be tricky to learn how to cope with some simple sentences and questions when this "se" word shows up. The best way to cope with it is to practice with a set of familiar phrases:

Word order with SE - Learn

Word order with SE - Flashcards

Word order with SE - Match

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Serbian 102 - Past tense of Biti

Stiže još jedan / još jedna set of exercises to practice one of the lessons from Serbian 102 course!

Past tense of To be Explained

You can find the pronunciation and the form of the verb to be in Serbian in this post published earlier.

Past tense of To be with Exercises

Past tense of To be - Games

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book