Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label free Serbian lessons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free Serbian lessons. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Easy Texts in Serbian Cyrillic Script

I believe many of you interested in learning to read the Serbian Cyrillic script have enjoyed an excellent blog post by Nat, published back in 2009. Now, if you'd like to practise reading, I'm adding all the easy texts both in the Latin Alphabet and Cyrillic script into Serbian101 and Serbian102 courses:

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Super Slow Lessons of Serbian for Beginners

For all the real beginners in Serbian, I started refreshing Serbian 101 course on Udemy platform with the new series of super slow video lessons. I uploaded one of them to my Youtube channel, so you can see if you like it.

I'm sure you're going to like it !

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Serbian Phrases Free E-book

Friday, November 25, 2011

Practise Modal Verbs in Serbian

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Serbian Lessons Based on Cartoons

Listen carefully to this cartoon and try to guess what the following words mean:
1. oluja
2. munja
3. grom
4. idiom "ko me je vukao za jezik" ?
What's the plural of
5. munja ?
6. grom ?

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book