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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Serbian 501 - Collocations about News

Serbian 501 - Collocations about News

Poznavanje kolokacija je svakako nešto što nam je preko potrebno kada učimo strani jezik. Danas učimo kolokacije na temu vesti, novosti (the news).

  1. DATI IZJAVU ZA ŠTAMPU - to put out or send out a press release
  2. DRŽATI KONFERENCIJU ZA ŠTAMPU - to have a meeting where a person or organisation makes a public statement and reporters can ask questions
  3. IZAĆI IZ ŠTAMPE - when a newspaper or magazine is printed
  4. IZBITI NA NASLOVNU STRANU - a story printed on the first page of a newspaper
  5. IZJAVA ZA ŠTAMPU - a statement given to the press to publish if they wish
  6. IZVEŠTAVANJE - the reporting of a particular important event or subject
  7. KLEVETA - writing which contains bad information about someone that is not true
  8. MEDIJA - the main means of communication viewed collectively (broadcasting, publishing and the Internet)
  9. NAJNOVIJE VESTI - hot news
  10. OBJAVITI PRIČU - to print/publish a story
  11. ODLIČNE VESTI - excellent / great news
  12. OHRABRUJUĆE VESTI - encouraging news
  13. POSLEDNJE VEST - latest news
  14. PRATITI VESTI - to keep up to date with the news
  15. STARA VEST - old news
  16. TRAGIČNE VESTI - tragic news
  17. TRAŽITI PAŽNJU JAVNOSTI - to want to appear in the media and attract a lot of attention
  18. TUŽITI ZA KLEVETU - to take legal action against somebody or an organisation for writing false information
  19. TUŽNE VESTI - sad news
  20. UŽASNE VESTI - terrible news

Collocations about News - Games

Serbian 501 - Collocations about News, Exercises

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