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Showing posts with label Serbian 501. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian 501. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2022

Question Words - Many Faces of Who

Are the words "koga, kome & kim" the same as who?

In the previous post about Question words in Serbian, I covered just the main bunch of questions, such as ko, šta, gde, kada, zašto, kako, čiji, koliko. Today we are focusing only on WHO and its many forms. To understand and start using them correctly, you'll need to practice them in context first.

Serbian WHO through cases

  1. KO  - who
  2. KOGA - of whom
  3. KOME - to whom
  4. KOGA - whom
  5. SA KIM - with whom
  6. O KOME - about whom
The question words in Serbian take the case endings similar to adjectives, so once you learn how adjectives change through cases, this would come natural. Also, you can learn the question forms first  they will help you when start learning about how adjectives change through cases. However, when learning Serbian, always start from drilling, playing language games and having fun, and only later try to dwell on grammar, when drilling through Quizlet games helps you achieve  fluency :) 

Translation of Various Who Forms


  • KO UČI SRPSKI? - Who is learning Serbian?
  • KO JE UČIO SRPSKI? - Who was learning Serbian?
  • KO ĆE UČITI SRPSKI? - Who will learn Serbian?
  • KOGA SE PLAŠIŠ? - Who are you afraid of?
  • KOGA SMO SE PLAŠILI? - Who were we afraid of?
  • KOGA ĆEMO SE PLAŠITI? - Who will we be afraid of?
  • KOME ODGOVARATE? - Who are you answering to?
  • KOME SMO ODGOVORILI? - Who did we answer to?
  • KOME ĆEMO ODGOVORITI? - Who will we answer?
  • KOGA VIDIŠ? -Who do you see?
  • KOGA STE VIDELI? - Who did you see?
  • KOGA ĆETE VIDETI? - Who will you see?
  • SA KIM IDEŠ NA MORE? - Who are you going to the seaside with?
  • SA KIM SI IŠAO NA MORE? - Who did you go / were you going to the seaside?
  • SA KIM ĆEŠ IĆI NA MORE? - Who will you go / will you be going to the seaside with?
  • O KOME PRIČAŠ? - Who are you talking about?
  • O KOME SI PRIČALA? - Who did you talk / were you talking about?
  • O KOME ĆEŠ PRIČATI?  - Who will you talk about?

Exercises with Who: ko - koga - kome - sa kim - o kome

MATCH igrica



Video Lesson with Who in Serbian 

Additional Exercises with All the Question words as well as Who Forms

MATCH igrica



Thursday, May 27, 2021

Serbian 501 - Listening Comprehension

Lazy City can be a great source of teaching materials for learning Serbian. If you are at higher levels of Serbian, I am sure you will enjoy watching the first episode of "Lenji grad" with Stefani and her friends and doing exercises I prepared for you :)

Serbian 501 - Listening Comprehension 

Serbian 501 - Listening Comprehension - Word Order Exercises 

Let's practice word order in Serbian - postaviti pravilna pitanja i odgovoriti na njih:

 Drugi deo 

Monday, February 17, 2020

Serbian 501 - Money Collocations

Common Money Collocations in Serbian

In this lesson we are expanding our vocabulary by learning the collocations about money. Let me list the verbs in both imperfective and perfective aspect, which commonly collocate with the word money (novac or pare)

  • Trošiti - potrošiti novac: to spend money
  • Pozajmljivati - pozajmiti  novac: to borrow/lend money
  • Davati - dati  novac: to give money
  • Štedeti - uštedeti  novac: to save money
  • Bacati - baciti  novac: to throw money away
  • Zarađivati - zaraditi  novac: to earn money
  • Dobijati - dobiti  novac: to get money
  • Skupljati - skupiti  novac: to raise money 

Practicing Money Collocations in Serbian

The common examples are in the following exercise: 

For more video lessons and exercises, check out my Patreon page. Thanks for supporting me!

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Serbian Reading Comprehension - Highly Advanced

Serbian Reading Comprehension 

Ovo je jedna vrlo vežba za koju vam nije dovoljno samo dobro poznavanje srpskog jezika, već i izuzetno izoštreni kriterijumi kritičnog mišljenja. Tema je veoma ozbiljna - brazilski orah.

Serbian Reading Comprehension - Highly Advanced

Pročitajte kratke tekstove na istu temu sa nekoliko sajtova i odgovorite na pitanja ispod.

TEKST A (izvor: BastaBalkana )

TEKST B (izvor: Mondo)

Advanced Serbian Exercise
TEKST C (izvor: B92)

Serbian reading comprehension

TEKST D (izvor:Ženars )

Serbian Reading Comprehension - Critical Thinking

  1. O kojoj biljci se radi?
  2. Zašto je ona korisna?
  3. Zašto je štetna?
  4. Koliki je maksimalan preporučen unos?
  5. Zašto ne treba jesti više od preporučene doze?
  6. Koji tekst vam najviše uliva poverenje?
  7. Koju preporuku biste poslušali i zašto?

Serbian Reading Comprehension - Your opinion

Zadatak - napišite kratak izveštaj na ovu temu navodeći činjenice i izvore i donesite sopstveni zaključak o preporučenoj dozi indijskog oraha.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Serbian 501 - Collocations about News

Serbian 501 - Collocations about News

Poznavanje kolokacija je svakako nešto što nam je preko potrebno kada učimo strani jezik. Danas učimo kolokacije na temu vesti, novosti (the news).

  1. DATI IZJAVU ZA ŠTAMPU - to put out or send out a press release
  2. DRŽATI KONFERENCIJU ZA ŠTAMPU - to have a meeting where a person or organisation makes a public statement and reporters can ask questions
  3. IZAĆI IZ ŠTAMPE - when a newspaper or magazine is printed
  4. IZBITI NA NASLOVNU STRANU - a story printed on the first page of a newspaper
  5. IZJAVA ZA ŠTAMPU - a statement given to the press to publish if they wish
  6. IZVEŠTAVANJE - the reporting of a particular important event or subject
  7. KLEVETA - writing which contains bad information about someone that is not true
  8. MEDIJA - the main means of communication viewed collectively (broadcasting, publishing and the Internet)
  9. NAJNOVIJE VESTI - hot news
  10. OBJAVITI PRIČU - to print/publish a story
  11. ODLIČNE VESTI - excellent / great news
  12. OHRABRUJUĆE VESTI - encouraging news
  13. POSLEDNJE VEST - latest news
  14. PRATITI VESTI - to keep up to date with the news
  15. STARA VEST - old news
  16. TRAGIČNE VESTI - tragic news
  17. TRAŽITI PAŽNJU JAVNOSTI - to want to appear in the media and attract a lot of attention
  18. TUŽITI ZA KLEVETU - to take legal action against somebody or an organisation for writing false information
  19. TUŽNE VESTI - sad news
  20. UŽASNE VESTI - terrible news

Collocations about News - Games

Serbian 501 - Collocations about News, Exercises

Hvala na podršci u pravljenju svakodnevnih lekcija za učenje srpskog na svim nivoima!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Listening Comprehension Exercises - Advanced Serbian

Evo stiže jedna malo teža vežba, ali sam sigurna da ćete uživati radeći je! Potrebno je da odslušate samo prvi minut ovog videa i razumete šta pet Beograđana misli o tome da li možete naterati nekoga da uradi nešto što neće! Da li zvuči komplikovano? Ako znate šta znače sledeće reči, uopšte nije teško!

Listening Comprehension Exercises - Advanced Serbian

Savet = Tip:  Jednostavno usporite video na 0.75 i biće puno lakše!

Listening Comprehension Exercises in Serbian - Vocabulary

Korisne reči uz ovu vežbu su sledeće:
  • MOTIVACIJA = motivation
  • OBJAŠNJENJE = explanation
  • LJUBAV = love
  • UPORNOST = perseverance
  • INTERES = interest
  • UBEDLJIVOST = persuasiveness
  • MANIPULACIJA = manipulation 

Listening Comprehension Exercises in Serbian - Exercise

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book