Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label Advanced Serbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advanced Serbian. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Advanced Serbian exercises - Sixth June

I have always enjoyed doing short tasks based on authentic news and fun texts. That is why I want to create and share with you the same kind of exercises based on daily news, both in the Latin alphabet and Cyrillic script. Today I'm sharing with you one of the common news section called "Dogodilo se na današnji dan" - "On this day in history" from KratkeVesti :)

 Cyrillic version Latin alphabet version

Friday, January 20, 2017

Are You Proficient in Serbian?

From time to time I get a request to publish more exercises for Serbian for an advanced and even proficient level. I guess that creating short tasks based on various films and series in Serbian certainly helps. One of such series which I wanted to recommend for more proficient speakers of Serbian is Prvi Servis, sponsored by VreleGume. I love their short format and a really great cast.  The topics are everyday problems of ordinary people.

In the first episode, there is a short monologue with lots of mistakes, which can be easily corrected by an advanced student of Serbian.

Would you like to give it a try? You can write your suggestion in the comment below!

Example 1:

1:25 min: Kada sam u vaša zemlja ja ovo, a kod kuće imam Volvo.
           *Correction:  Kada sam u vašOJ zmljI

Your task:
3:35 min: Majstor kaže da je teško kvarnost velika. Ili je amortizer ili je može biti da je možda ova …. kako kaže on kod vas… balans štanglica, ili je može biti da je stabilizatorski dio. Kaže popraviće, hitno mi je potrebno auto za sutra.
A auto moram imati jer mater meni stiže. Moram je pokupit. Moja mater je iz naša zemlja, srpska. Moja Mater je iz Vojnić.A otac mi je njihov, on je Lunski La iz Lunski Le, Moj otac je Turstend. Tako da mater moja dolazi. Stara je, ne može da hoda. Kaže više mi je samo  da umrem, samo da umrem, već mi dosta to,  da se sahrani u Vojnići to.
A hitno bi  mi moralo se  prebaciti ja za grad. Ako ima neko dobro da pozove taksi.  Imam krune, plaćam sve, da. Ako može neko da mi nazove taksi, a majstor će se potruditi. Vidim da je dobar čovek.

 You can write your suggestion in the comment below!

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Advanced Serbian with Državni Posao - 2

Since Državni posao is quite difficult for lower levels, I'll just post a bunch of simple questions for the more advanced learners of Serbian to choose from.

1. Koja se sve hrana / jela pominju u ovoj seriji?

a. mleko
b. parmezan
c. salata
d. rukola
e. goveđi gulaš
f. eurokrem
g. krastavac
h. limun
i. pivo
j. paprikaš od mladih svraka
k. hleb
l. lovorov list
m. rečna riba
n. gustin

2. Ko je sve "food blogger"?
a. Đorđe Čvarkov
b. Boškićeva mama
c. Žika
d. Fuad Bloger
3. Kako se zove Žikin blog?
a. Majdanpekač
b. Sponzor
c. Kefirpičeta
4. Ko ima sponzore na svom blogu?
a. Mama
b. Baba
c. Šilovićka
d. Žika
5. Koliko košta limun?
a. 100 dinara
b. 200 dinara
c. 400 dinara
d. 500 dinara
6. Koliko Žika dobija novca po baneru? 
a. 10 evra
b. 100 evra
c. 1000 evra
When you are ready, click #read more to check the answers:

Friday, November 13, 2015

Reading Comprehension Exercises for Advanced Learners

I'd like to share an authentic text about a teenage inovator from Novi Sad, Jovana Kondić.  I made a few exercises based on this interesting story and I'm sure you'll like them!

Reading Comprehension Exercises for Advanced Learners

Right Order

Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)

Click here to open the above activity in a new window.

Missing Words

Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)

Click here to open the above activity in a new window.

Earn some Money :D

Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)

Click here to open the above activity in a new window.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Ideas for Advanced Serbian Lessons - City

Advanced Serbian Lessons - Describing a City

For all of you who are eager to learn more advanced Serbian, I found another great video which can be turned into a few different speaking and listening comprehension exercises:


Advanced Serbian Speaking

Exercise one: watching the video without listening to it. You can take a guess what each building or buildings might be, using the following structures:
  • Ova zgrada bi mogla da bude (this building could be...) ... pijaca / vrtić / škola / stambena zgrada / crkva / sportski centar / tržni centar / bazen / pozorište ... or plural form:
  • OvE zgradE bi moglE da budU...
  • Ovo je idealno mesto za (this is a perfect spot for...) ... pijacu / vrtić / školu / stambenu zgradu / crkvu / sportski centar / tržni centar / bazen / pozorište
  • Da sam arhitekta / dizajner / političar, ja bih na ovom mestu izgradio ...(if I were an architect, I'd build...)  ... pijacu / vrtić / školu / stambenu zgradu / crkvu / sportski centar / tržni centar / bazen / pozorište
Exercise two: watching the video and listening to the detailed explanation. Check if you were right about each building(s), using the following phrases:

  • Oni su rekli da će ovde biti izgrađen tržni centar, a ja sam rekao da će biti škola (They said that there will be a shopping centre built, but I said that would be a school.)

Advanced Serbian Vocabulary and Grammar

Exercise three: doing an exercise based on the text below, which I am currently working on (making gaps mainly where the nouns in genitive are):

Advanced Serbian
Šabac, grad na Savi
Šabac, grad koji je delio države i carstva, na obali velike reke sa srednjovekovnom tvrđavom, kao obeležjem i simbolom. Živeo je kroz istoriju san o izlasku na Savu. Vizija o gradu na reci konačno je estetski, funkcionalno i ekonomski utemeljena planom detaljne regulacije: "Šabac, grad na Savi".

Plan obuhvata površinu omeđenu ulicama: produžetak Kralja Aleksandra i Kralja Milana, od pruge do obale reke Save. Područje obuhvata plana podeljeno je na blokove različitih namena.Blokovi 11, 13 i 14 rezervisani su za izgradnju poslovnih objekata, dozvoljene spratnosti P+2. Tržni centar, izložbeno-prodajni salon ekskluzivnih oblika i materijala, samo su neki od planiranih sadržaja. Svoje mesto imaju i objekti kulture iste srpatnosti.

Infrastrukturni objekti biće smešteni u bloku 12. Najatraktivniji segment obuhvata plana je stambeni deo za  oko 4000 ljudi. Naselje će činiti objekti kolektivnog stanovanja  dozvoljene spratnosti P+3 i gradske vile spratnosti P+2, koje mogu imati maksimalno po 10 stanova, minimalne površine do 45 metara kvadratnih.

Pored stambenog bloka planirana je izgradnja memorijalnog centra, osnovne škole i dečijeg obdaništa. Na mestu nekadašnje kasarne, uzvodno od tvrđave, predviđena je parkovska površina koja se završava pristaništem i marinom za čamce i turističke brodove, uz prateće sadržaje: hotel, carinarnicu, portirnicu, hangare za čamce, ugostiteljske i administrativno-upravne objekte. Marina će biti sagrađena na mestu predratnog pristaništa, piše agencija, nekada omiljenog mesta Šapčana tokom leta.

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book