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Showing posts with label Christmas in Serbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas in Serbian. Show all posts

Saturday, January 07, 2023

Srećan Božić = Merry Christmas

How to Greet People on Christmas Day in Serbia 

Merry Christmas & Srećan Božić with a few great blog posts from the previous years and  one brand new video about Christmas:

Video o Božiću u Srbiji 

Monday, January 07, 2019

How to Say Merry Christmas in Serbian

Merry Christmas in Serbian 

Merry Christmas in Serbian

The best way to congratulate Christmas in Serbian is by saying:
For more information, interesting video lessons, songs and facts about Christmas in Serbia, check out my posts about Božić from the previous years!

Thursday, January 07, 2016

How to Congratulate Orthodox Christmas in Serbian?

Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating it today! Today and in the next seven days, until Serbian New Year,  I want to give you a  Christmas gift of a free online course!

I also want to share with you the best Christmas SMS or IMs to be sent on this day which I found on various websites:

Christmas SMS for religious  family and friends

In the Cyrillic Script via Duhoviti website

Лепшег јутра од данашњег нема, ко је верник за Божић се спрема. Срце твоје љубав нека води, мир Божији и Христос се роди! Ту где се бадњак данас ложи, у том дому срећа нек се множи, нека срећна звезда кроз живот вас води Мир Божији и Христос се роди!

In the Latin Alphabet

Lepšeg jutra od današnjeg nema, ko je vernik za Božić se sprema. Srce tvoje ljubav neka vodi, mir Božiji i Hristos se rodi!

Tu gde se badnjak danas loži, u tom domu sreća nek se množi, neka srećna zvezda kroz život  vas vodi Mir Božiji i Hristos se rodi!

Informal Christmas SMS 

In the Cyrillic Script via Opušteno

Догорева Бадњак свети и полако ватром тиња, пуно здравља и среће желим теби и твојима. Христос се роди! Срећан Божић!

In the Latin Alphabet

Dogoreva Badnjak sveti i polako vatrom tinja, puno zdravlja i sreće želim tebi i tvojima. Hristos se rodi! Srećan Božić!

Formal Christmas SMS 

In the Cyrillic Script via Stihovi

Нек Вам сребрне зраке Божићног јутра под бором осветле поклон исплетен од здравља, среће, мира и љубави… Срећан Божић!

In the Latin Alphabet

Nek Vam srebrne zrake Božićnog jutra pod borom osvetle poklon ispleten od zdravlja, sreće, mira i ljubavi… Srećan Božić! 

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Christmas in Serbian

Merry Christmas in Serbian

I am sure you are enjoying these festive days and moments with your family and friends, wherever you are! Let me wish you a peaceful and merry Christmas with this newest version of my favourite Christmas song "Oj Badnjače, Badnjače":

Learning more about Christmas in Serbian

I also want to share with you a list of great links which will help you learn more about Serbian tradition and  Christmas in Serbian:

Monday, January 06, 2014

Serbian Christmas Customs and Songs

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Holidays !

Monday, January 07, 2013

How to Say "Merry Christmas" in Serbian

Here comes a short video wishing you Merry Christmas (Srećan Božić) and a Happy New Year (srećnu Novu godinu) to all the followers of LearnSerbianBlog!

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Srećan Božić :)

Friday, January 06, 2012

Serbian Christmas Greetings

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book