Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label serbian songs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label serbian songs. Show all posts

Friday, September 21, 2018

Serbian Aspect Easy Way - Nisam te se nagledao

While I was searching for some songs for learning Serbian, I came across this aspect-friendly one called Nisam te se nagledao,  which inspired me to create two sets of quizzes for you to practice Serbian aspect while listening to it :) I bet you'd be delighted to find out that there's an easy and more efficient way to learn verbal aspects :)

Let's match the verses:

Verbs only:

Friday, September 08, 2017

Advanced Serbian - Detecting Synonyms

For all of you who are advanced learners of Serbian, here comes a challenging exercise based on this lovely song:

The idea is for you to listen to this song and in each part of the song to detect 3 words which are synonyms with the words written in the capital letters above that part. Srećno!

Znate l' priču o Vasi Ladačkom
i ja sam je tek onomad čuo
jednom devet dana nije izlazio iz birtije
kažu da je bio čudna sorta
Otac mu je bio sitni paor
'ranio je sedam gladnih usti
mati mu je bila plava
tiha, nežna, jektičava
umrla je s trideset i nešto
Imali su par jutara zemlje
malu kuću na kraju sokaka
na astalu navek hleba
taman tol'ko kol'ko treba
al' je Vasa hteo mnogo više
Želeo je konje vrane, po livadi razigrane
sat sa zlatnim lancem i salaše
želeo je njive plodne, vinograde blagorodne
u karuce pregnute čilaše
ali nije mog'o da ih ima

Voleo je lepu, al' sirotu
uz'o bi je samo da je znao
voles jednom u životu
sad bogatu il' sirotu
to ne bira pamet nego srce
Sve se nad'o da će ljubav proći
zanavek je otiš'o iz sela
nikad nije pis'o nikom
venč'o se sa mirazdžikom
jedinicom, kćerkom nekog gazde
Dobio je konje vrane, po livadi razigrane
sat sa zlatnim lancem i salaše
dobio je njive plodne, vinograde blagorodne
u karuce pregnute čilaše
sve je im'o - ništa im'o nije

Propio se, nije prošlo mnogo
dušu svoju đavolu je prod'o
znali su ga svi birtaši
tražio je spas u čaši
ali nije mog'o da ga nađe


Mlad je, kažu, bio kad je umro
'sred birtije od srčane kapi
klonula mu samo glava
ko da drema, ko da spava
i još pamte šta je zadnje rek'o

Džaba bilo konja vranih, po livadi razigranih
džaba bilo sata i salaša
džaba bilo njiva plodnih, vinograda blagorodnih
džaba bilo karuca, ćilasa
kada nisam s onom koju volem
kada nisam s onom koju volem

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Learning Serbian Efortlessly

Let's learn the past tense form of "She was" in Serbian the easy way: BILA JE with this beautiful song, step by step:

Now, an exercise:

If you would like to get all my video lessons with explanations in English, translations and additional exercises like the ones above, in the meaningful order, consider joining me on Patreon. HVALA! 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

How to Practice Serbian Pronouns in Instrumental

How to cope with all different forms of Serbian pronouns, in different cases and with all the different endings? Well, there are many different ways, starting with old-fashioned grammar learning;

to using them in phrases, without thinking about grammar at all. What I find really efficient, is to listen to Serbian songs and learn the pronouns in common phrases, by singing :)

Let me share with you the following song: Za Njom by S.A.R.S.

How to Practice Serbian Pronoun SHE in the Instrumental Case

Now that you have heard this song, sang along, and done the exercise, can you tell me which prepositions were there in front of "NJOM"?

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Personal Pronouns in Accusative

In the previous post you could see the different forms of pronouns in the Accusative case in Serbian:

There are quite a lot of verbs which require the Accusative, and "voleti" or "to love" obviously requires a direct object. Therefore you'll come across this form in many a song:

The same goes for the verb ZVATI. Since we are going to practice Serbian with two songs with this verb, let's start with a bit of theory:

and then let's practice with a game:
If you like these Quizlet exercises, here's one more with the verbs to see and to go to (Videti i Ići u + Akuzativ)

Finally, when you feel confident using the pronouns in Accusative, let's sing the following songs in 
Zovem ______  zovem, a ti tako 
nećeš da čuješ zov iz duše
zovem ______  zovem ko zna gde si
dok moji snovi već se ruše

Ref. 2x
Zovem ______  zovem, noću te sanjam
uzalud širim ruke svoje
zovem ______  zovem, al' čemu sve to
ti drugu ljubiš oko moje

Zovem______ zovem, a ti tako 
ni pismom jednim da se javiš
zovem ______  zovem noći svake
a ti ne čuješ ili se praviš

Ref. 2x

Zovem ______  zovem, gde si mili
traže ______  moje vlažne oči
zovem ______  zovem srećni bi bili
javi mi dal' ćeš nekad doći

Ref. 2x

Poći ću u šume da ____ opet tražim
uz tišinu rijeke da ___  mirno sanjam
i dok mesec sija gledaću u zvijezde
ne bih li ___ sreo sretnu i daleku
aha, aha, aha

Zvao sam ___ Emili
u moj je san ko u svoj ušla dom
zbog nje se dan pretvorio u noć 
i pjesme sve poludjele zbog nje 
kao kiše prolećne

Zvao sam ____ Emili
u danima kad voljesmo se mi
od proljeća do kasne jeseni
zbog nje, zbog nje izgubio sam sve
čak i dobre drugove

Zvao sam ____  Emili

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book