Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Let's practise asking questions in Serbian

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Characteristics in context

TO BE & ADJECTIVES for different genders

Adjectives describing Masculine nouns in Sg (Singular) take no endings (on je bogat), while the same adjectives describing Fem. Sg nouns take -a (ona je bogata), while with Sg. Neuter nouns the ending is -o (bogato selo). Plural, masc. adj. take an -i ending (ljudi su bogati), fem. adj. take -e (žene su lepe), and neuter adj. take -a (deca su visoka). In some cases, there are some changes in pronunciation, with adjectives ending in -N, or -K, for example (on je gladan - ona je gladna) - but there will be a special post on that subject.

For the sake of clarity, let's do a simple exercise with adjectives which have no pronunciation changes. The answer key is in the comment. If you want me to record the answer, just drop me a line.

A Short Adjective Story:

Andrew is tall. He is very handsome. His wife Lilly is also tall and pretty.
They have a son, called Tom. He is very good. They are now at home. Their house is big, because they are rich. Their dog Ava is very old and lazy.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Children's songs in Serbian

Listen to the song and write the appropriate form of the word in brackets. Good luck = Srećno!

Vuče, vuče, bubo lenja

Neko pliva u ____________
(Sava - one of the longest rivers in Serbia)
Neko živi u ____________
(Ruma - name of a city in Vojvodina)
Neko raste u ____________
(trava - grass)
A vuk živi u ____________
(šuma - forest)

U __________ (škola - school) ga ne vide
__________ (nemati - doesn't have) ni maturu
U muzeje ne _________ (ići - go)
Prezire kulturu

Vuuuče vuučue bubo leenjaa
Štaa će reeći pokoleenjaa
Vodio si život buuuraan
Pa ostao nekultuuuuraaaan

Usta su _________
(his) snažna
Duša _________
(his) je drumska
Obećanja lažna
A ćud ________
(his) je šumska

Kad _________
(is) srećan leži
Kad _________
(is) ljut on reži
Ka zverstvima teži
(when) ga vidiš beži

Vuuuče vuučue bubo leenjaa
Štaa će reeći pokoleenjaa
Vodio si život buuuraan
Pa ostao nekultuuuuraaaan!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Serbian Tongue Twisters

BRZALICE I PESMICE (poems and tongue twisters)

(in the photo ODŽAČAR - ОЏАЧАР)

R ---- na vrh brda vrba mrda

LJ--- ljubim Ljubu i ljubicu i ljujam se

Č ---- čuči čavka na čađavom čotu, pričajte nam priče o životu

NJ--- njegova njuška njuška li njuška

Ž ---- od jednoga žira, pa do neke ruže puž dva dana puže, a možda i duže

H --- hvala lepo, lepo hvala, šala mala

Ć --- po dvorištu ćuran šeće, vazda pućka i blebeće

Đ razvedri se nebo sivo, prevari se vrabac Dživo, pa izete iz odžaka na oluku da podžaka. Narogušen, sav u čađi - iako je s njom u svađi - dira macu 'Čik izađi'

Thursday, December 25, 2008



Б б (Cyrillic script) = В в (Latin letter)



Бубамаро, лет, лет,
у широки свет!
Донеси ми писмо!
Видели се нисмо
још од прошлог маја
ја и ујка Паја.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Expressions of politeness in Serbian


1. MOLIM? I beg Your pardon?
2. OPROSTITE I am sorry.
3. ŽAO MI JE I am sorry.
4. IZVINITE Excuse me.

5. MOLIM VAS, RECITE MI...Please, tell me...
6. MOLIM VAS, POKAŽITE MI... Please, show me...
7. MOLIM VAS, DAJTE MI... Please, give me...
8. DA LI BISTE, MOLIM VAS... Would you, please...
9. ŽELEO-ŽELELA BIH ... I would like...
10. HVALA Thank you.
11. HVALA LEPO Thank you very much.
12. HVALA UNAPRED Thank you in advance.
13. HVALA TAKOĐE Thank you, too.
14. NEMA NA ČEMU Don't mention it.
15. VEOMA SAM ZAHVALAN I am very grateful.
16. VRLO STE LJUBAZNI You are very kind.
17. NE LJUTITE SE NA MENE Don't be angry with me.
18. NE BRINITE ZA TO Don't worry about it.
19. NADAM SE DA ĆETE MI OPROSTITI I hope you will forgive me.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dative Case in Serbian

Dative in Serbian


Masculine Sg. grad+u
Masculine Pl. grad+ov+ima
Neuter Sg. sel+u
Neuter Pl. sel+i+ma
Feminine Sg. stvar+i / zemlj+i
Feminine Pl. stvar+ima / zemlj+ama


Dative is a case which denotes a thing or a being to whom something is sent, directed or given. It is used both with and without prepositions.

Dative without prepositions:

1. Dative of purpose - Dedi i baki unuka poklanja osmeh.
2. Dative of benefit - Tesla je ucinio dobro ljudima.
3. Subject dative - Starcu se dremalo.
4. Possessive dative - Ja sam Petru brat.
5. Dative of affection - Kako si mi?
6. Dative in oaths - Tako mi postenja!
7. Dative with phrases evo, eno, eto - Evo ti jabuka!
8. Dative with verbs of movement - Petar pridje svom drugu.

Dative with prepositions:

  1. k, ka = to (dative only) - Krenuo je ka Parizu.
  2. prema = towards (both dative and genetive) -Idemo prema Srbiji.
  3. protiv, suprot, nasuprot, uprkos = against (dative only) - Pobedili smo uprkos vremenu.
( Dative with 'ka' and 'prema' are the ones most frequently used)

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book