Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Sunday, August 07, 2011

Film about Serbia - Joe Mama in Guča

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Let's Practise Greetings in Serbian

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Serbian Lessons Based on Cartoons

Listen carefully to this cartoon and try to guess what the following words mean:
1. oluja
2. munja
3. grom
4. idiom "ko me je vukao za jezik" ?
What's the plural of
5. munja ?
6. grom ?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Let's Practise Conditionals in Serbian

1. Flick through this World Traveller magazine in Serbian and tell me which places you would visit this summer and why (make sure you add a reason from this online booklet ). Use the  conditional patterns:

Kad bih mogao/mogla da biram, posetio/posetila bih Egipat, zato što želim da vidim piramide.

2. Find the following info:

  • Kad bi otišli na letovanje u Španiju, kada bi mogli da kupite markice za razglednice u pošti ?
  • Da odete na letovanje u Egipat, u kom periodu ne bi mogli da promenite novac u menjačnici ?
  • Kada bi putovali u Rim, da li bi Vam trebala viza ?
  • Da odlučite da dođete u Srbiju, a ljubitelj ste dobrog vina, koja mesta bi vredelo posetiti ?
  • Ako bi želeli da vidite Kraljevu vinariju u Srbiji, podignutu 1931. godine, u koje mesto bi se uputili?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What Do You Like Most About Serbia ?

1. Which part of Serbia is worth visiting and why, according to Željko Joksimović ?

2. What does Goca Tržan feel sorry about ?

3. What does  Romana Panić find most impressive about Serbia ?

4. What is the competition about ?

5. What is the deadline for the entry submission ?

6. Where should you send your submissions to ?

7. What can you send to enter the competition ?

8. What are the prizes ?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Learning Serbian with Kefalica

Watch this video of "Kefalica" and enjoy learning Serbian while trying to figure out which are the correct answers to the following questions:
1. Ко је стриц ?
2. Ко је стрина ?
3. Ко је тетка
4. Ко је ујак ?
5. Да ли мама може да буде "ожењена" ?
6. Ко је унук ?
7. Ко је унука ?
8. Ко су све наши рођаци ?
--- 4мин.
9. Шта је карактер ?
10. Шта значи имати "чврст карактер" ?
11. Шта значи имати "јак карактер" ?
12. Шта значи имати "слаб карактер"? Пример ?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Practise for Guča Music Festival

Listen to the Youtube song and point to the exact piece of clothes in the embedded photo:

Read more about the Serbian ethic clothes.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Serbian School Activator Revisited

In January I proudly presented my most beautiful site, www.skolasrpskog.com and the new concept of teaching Serbian online, which I called SkolaSrpskog Activator. It's been working for six months now, and I am really satisfied with all the language materials I've created in this period:

1. My Youtube channel www.youtube.com/learnserbian has 100 videos more (there were only about 20 up to 2011, and now there are 125, with 99 being visible).

2. The initial concept of an online session which was to consist of a language exercise, recipe and a song, has been changed, according to the feedback of all the subscribers. Still, at the end of each session, we enjoy singing one of the songs which I carefully choose each week.

3. I started adding all the explanations and exercises into pdf files, and also creating fun quizzes with the instand feedback. Some of the pages based on the situational phrases can be downloaded in pdf format from www.SkolaSrpskog.com.

4. During Easter, I organized some kind of an "online language quest" and we all had fun chasing Easter eggs on the site (some of them are still hidden there :) and doing fun exercises in Serbian. Some of the participants won  free SkolaSrpskog Activator subscription, some won free 1:1 lessons, and I won many new friends and great ideas for our lessons :-)

5. I started gathering anonymous feedback, and here are just a few lines:
"Everything is super"
"I appreciate the amount of work the instructor puts into the experience. The YouTube videos are helpful"
"Everithing, and my teacher is lovely and flexibile, she love teaching us"

However, all that I've done and created so far is hardly mentioning  in comparison to the effort my students have put into their work. They regularly attend the lessons and I am really proud of each one of them.

Today, on Britannia bookshop site, one of my most proficient students of Serbian, Jelena from Санкт-Петербург, Russia  published  the first part of our interview, which was very much inspired by our SkolaSrpskog Activator lessons.

Hvala Jelena i hvala svim đacima, Jani, Fabijanu, Matiji, Lari, Mirku, Milici, Toniju, Silvini, Ljubi i Tini na ukazanom poverenju, istrajnosti i velikom trudu :) U avgustu ćemo napraviti mali raspust, i onda opet nastavljamo sa časovima u septembru.

For all of you who'd like to learn more about SkolaSrpskog Activator, do join FB SkolaSrpskog Podcast group and you will be invited to attend our Third Friday Free Serbian lessons.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Exit 2011

Watch this video and answer the following questions:

1. When (kad) does the festival take place ?
2. Where (gde) does it take place ?
3. How many (koliko) visitors will attend Exit ?
4. How many stages are there ?
5. Where can you find more info about Exi t2011 ?
 Exit 2011 TimeLine

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Serbian Film - Listening Exercise

Listen to this short video in Serbian and  answer the following  questions:

1. На којој висини је авион тренутно ? ___________

2. Колико ЈАТ има авиона ? _________

3. Колико година постојања слави ЈАТ ?

4. У ком периоду је превезено преко милион путника ?

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Dreams Do Come True :)

Prvi deo

Drugi deo

Treći deo

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Serbian Holidays - Vidovdan

Vidovdan je  verski praznik koga praznuju Srpska pravoslavna crkva (15. juna po julijanskom kalendaru, 28. jun po gregorijanskom) i Bugarska pravoslavna crkva i jedan je od najvećih srpskih praznika. 

Vidovdan nije praznik radosti, ne igra se i ne peva, a ljudi se prisećaju palih ratnika i obilaze njihove grobove. 

Običaj zemljoradnika je da tog dana procenjuju kakva će biti letina. 

Veruje se da će najbolje roditi strana sa koje se prvo pojave oblaci. Ako nema oblaka, veruje se da godina neće biti rodna. U nekim delovima Srbije seljaci se trude da poljske radove završe pre Vidovdana. (izvor)

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book