Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Happy Easter in Serbian

Hristos voskrese!


Ljudi likujte, narodi čujte:
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Zvezde igrajte, gore pevajte,
Hristos voskrese, radost donese!
Šume šumite, vetri brujite,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Mora gudite, zveri ričite,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Pčele se rojte, a ptice pojte,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Anđeli stojte, pesmu utrojte,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Nebo se snizi, zemlju uzvisi,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Zvona zvonite, svima javite,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!
Slava ti Bože, sve ti se može,
Hristos voskrse, radost donese!

Sv. vladika Nikolaj Žički

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Easter Day in Serbia

Easter Day in Serbia

On Easter day people in Serbia crack their Easter eggs with one another, in search for the strongest egg :) We start from the early morning! At first, during breakfast we start cracking eggs and each of us keeps the strongest one. Then we meet with our relatives at Sunday lunch where we continue with this never-ending fight. There is usually one egg which beats all the rest and we keep it until the next year. 

In this video you can see what it looks like:

Here comes an exercise where you can practice the Genitive case together with the possessive form and comparatives (bolji / gori = better / worse; jači / slabiji = stronger / weaker; lepši / ružniji = nicer / uglier; manje / veće =smaller/bigger etc.). Watch the video first and then decide whose egg is stronger/better/weaker/worse! Have fun and a Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Ready for Orthodox Easter?

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

How to Say April Fool in Serbian?

How to Say April Fool in Serbian?

The most common way to celebrate April Fool's day in Serbia is to play a joke on someone and then, if they fall for it, say "Aprililili". Yes, after "April" you will add "i-li-li" :)

I guess that the most ambitious learners will enjoy watching an episode of "Državni posao" dedicated to this day:

I am aware that it is quite difficult to understand, but do try to persevere with it and answer these three general questions:

  1. Da li je Boškić naseo na šalu? (nasesti na šalu = to fall for the joke / to be taken in)
  2. Da li je Čvarkov stigao da prevari Torbicu ? (prevariti = to play a joke/trick/prank on someone)
  3. Kako je Torbica uspeo da se našali sa Čvarkovim*?
*Jedno pitanje iz gramatike, samo za moje učenike: zašto je "sa Čvarkovim" tačno, a ne "sa Čvarkovom"?

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Practice Serbian Cyrillic Script

Since there's a growing number of people joining my Quizlet exercises to practice Serbian, I decided to record a series of videos to help you with pronunciation. Besides, you'll see how learning with Quizlet can be fun and engaging :)

How to Practice Serbian Cyrillic Script 

Practice Serbian Cyrillic Script

Practicing Pronunciation of Serbian Cyrillic Script

If you like this lesson, check out 99 more which can be found on an online video course  Serbian 101!

Monday, March 02, 2015

Exercises for Serbian as a Foreign Language

Exercises for Serbian as a Foreign Language 

Because of the lack of digital teaching materials for practicing Serbian as a foreign language, I decided to turn  my simple dialogues and stories into video exercises. Unfortunately, when speaking of the Serbian language, there's scarcity of paper based materials as well, but that's another story!

Exercises for Serbian as a Foreign Language 

Anyways*, if you have studied the previous lesson thoroughly, I am sure you will be able to do the following task without difficulty, whether* practicing speaking or grammar!

 *again, you can find the translation in the Serbian version of this post

Serbian Verbs - Short Story 1

Serbian Verbs in Short Stories

Recently I have considered* a list of the most frequently used Serbian verbs and I decided to write short stories and dialogues based on them. In* the first ten often used verbs, the following four are in this story:
  • biti
  • imati
  • jesti
  • videti
I also added the verb "voleti" in this group, which is actually at 31st position according to its frequency, but I hope you won't mind!
Can you translate this dialogue into your mother tongue? I will translate it into English and this will help you to check your own translation. If you happen to have time, do send it (via comment maybe?), because it will help other students all over the world in the future!

*Sorry for the clumsy translation, I was trying to stick to the Serbian original text which can be found here.

Dialogues in English and Serbian

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book