Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Saturday, May 04, 2013

Solving Puzzles in Serbian

If you like learning a language by solving puzzles, this video "zagonetka" is perfect for you:

There's an additional exercise page, but make sure you write the answers in the Serbian Cyrillic script in order to get the proper feedback (simply click "check" button after filling in the gaps).

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Serbian Lessons - Imperative of "To Be"

Thursday, April 11, 2013

How to Use e-Book with Serbian Lessons ?

It took me some time to realize that Serbian 101 e-book, with over 40 video lessons and exercises and more than 3 hours of content, needs a short video with instructions how to use it ! I hope this video helps!

The complete course can be found on this page.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Serbian History Exercise with Video - Part one

While watching the video try to figure our which sentences I changed and which synonims I used. You can also try to solve which numbers 1- 5 are missing. After the careful comparison, try to do the additional exercises:

Godine .1.  slovenska plemena su našla novu domovinu na teritoriji nekadašnjeg vizantijskog Ilirika.

Od reka Save i Dunava pa sve do Peloponeza, Sloveni su pronašli domovinu. Te teritorije na kojima žive Sloveni, vizantijski pisci zovu Sklavinijama. To su plemenski organizovane oblasti u kojima je središnja vlast poglavara ograničena.

Nekadašnja metropola Ilirika ostaće kod Slovena poznata kao Caričin Grad. Imena stotine vizantijskih gradova biće zauvek izgubljena - a sećanja na njih zameniće opšti slovenski pojam za napušten grad "gradina" ili "gradište".

Učeni vizantijski pesnik, Georgije Pisida u Carigradu , piše stihove o teškim vremenima koji su zadesila njegovu zemlju. U jednom stihu kaže da se i Varvari međusobno bore: Avar ubija Slovena i potom biva ubijen - i time su ometeni u vođenju jedinstvene borbe. Na osnovu ovog usamljenog podatka, pretpostavlja se da je .2. godine, nakon neuspele avarsko-slovenske opsade Carigrada, došlo do značajnih sukoba Avara i Slovena.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Easy Serbian Lessons -365 days of Serbian

If you downloaded Serbian 101 e-book, you can easily access the video lessons explaining how to use the verb TO BE and practice both writing and speaking with it:

Uvod = Introduction

Watch the videos and try to pronounce the personal pronouns  and the verb TO BE together.

Video with explanations
To Be - Classroom Practice
Online Exercise 1
 Online Exercise 2

Let me remind you that the previous beginner lessons can be found under Serbian for beginners tag, as well as on SerbianLesson pages.

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book