Here comes another listening comprehension for more proficient Serbian language learners, based on the following video:
Feel free to pause the video and try to answer the following questions:
Feel free to pause the video and try to answer the following questions:
- Koliko Mićko ima godina ?
- Šta se Mićku zapali i pukne ?
- Koliko časova hemije mu treba ?
- Zašto profesor hemije ne može da pomogne Mićku ?
- Šta profesorka hemije predlaže sve vreme ?
- Da li on sam upotrebljava ono što pravi ?
- Ko je nepoverljiv prema Mićku ?
- Koliko profesora hemije je Mićko do sada pozvao ?
- Odakle Mićko više ne izlazi ?
Which phrases does the teacher use :
- to say that she can't help him
- to suggest another solution
- to inquire about Mićko's needs
- to decline his request
- to show understanding
- to end the conversation
What is the obvious meaning and what's the connotation of these phrases:
- ...jel' tu spadaju travnate površine ?
- ... malo sam nagoreo
- ... i ja sam posle miran dva dana
- Završio sam ja s hemijom !
- ...ja ne bih to više čačkao
- ...jer kad sam video u kom pravcu sve ovo ide, pravo da Vam kažem, šta mi drugo preostaje ?