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Showing posts with label Serbian grammar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serbian grammar. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2019

Adjectives in Genitive Exercise

Let me tell you how I can make the exercises about Tesla's letters can be even more complicated: I'll add the following adjectives in the same text and make it a task. Of course, before doing this task, let us review the forms of Adjectives in Genitive:
The Adjectives which we are going to be used in front of some of the nouns are as follows:
  • Pridevi uz osobe: pametan - čuven - poznat
  • Pridevi uz zemlju / kraljevinu: čuven - star
  • Pridevi uz reč muzej (Adligat): veliki - mali - poznat - dosadan - bogat - siromašan
  • Pridevi uz godine / dane: davni - prošli - sledeći

Endings for Adjectives in Genitive

Sg. Masc.-OG, example: od čuvenOG glumca
Sg. Neut .-OG, example: od lepOG odela
Sg. Fem.-E, example: od čuvenE glumice

Pl. all genders - IH: od lepIH glumAca, od lepIH glumica, iz lepIH sela

Adjectives in Genitive Exercise


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Monday, January 16, 2017

Serbian Video Lessons with Pronunciation

Today we are practising three simple questions and three simple answers:
  1. Where do you / You live? = Где живиш / живите?= Gde živiš / živite? 
  2. What do you / You do? = Шта радиш / радите? (Чиме се бавиш / бавите?)  = Šta radiš / radite? (Čime se baviš / bavite?) 
  3. What do you do in your free time? = Шта радиш / радите у слободно време? = Šta radiš / radite u slobodno vreme?
The answers are as follows:
  1. Живим у ... = Živim u ... (I live in ...Beogradu / Limi - check out the previous posts about the Locative case)
  2. Радим као ... = Radim kao ...(I work as a ...profesor / lekar - check out the video about occupations)
  3. У слободно време ... = U slobodno vreme ...( In my free time I learn Seriban - učim srpski - check out the previous video about hobbies)

Serbian Video Lessons with Pronunciation

Now that you understand what we are going to talk about, you are ready for the video lesson! Have fun!

If you are a beginner and want to learn Serbian in the easiest way possible, do join my new & revamped Seriban Activator newsletter!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Days of the Week in Serbian at Three Levels

I'm sure that you find Serbian days of the week easy to pronounce. However, if you still struggle with Thursday (četvrtak), there's a useful introduction in this video to help you pronounce days well.

Since rarely does anyone use days of the week in its Nominative form:

1. Ponedeljak = Monday = Понедељак
2. Utorak = Tuesday = Уторак
3. Sreda = Wednesday = Среда
4. Četvrtak = Thursday = Четвртак
5. Petak = Friday = Петак
6. Subota = Saturday = Субота
7. Nedelja = Sunday = Недеља

Let me share with you a few exercises at three different levels:
A. Days of the Week in Serbian

a. Flashcards
b. Matching game
c. Gravity game
d. Test

B: What are you doing on + DAY ( Accusative case )?  = Šta radiš u subotu?
Let's practice together:
C: Words "svaki / sledeći / naredni / drugi + day "will trigger the Genitive case of both the adjective and the noun in the question:"What are you doing next Monday?" = "Šta radiš sledećeg ponedeljka?"
Let's practice together:

a. Flashcards
b. Matching game
c. Gravity game
d. Test

Monday, January 09, 2017

Most Frequent Phrases in Serbian - I Need

I need = Treba mi

I guess one of the most needed verbs in a language must be the verb to need = trebati :) It is a really handy word in Serbian, because of the two following reasons:

Firstly, this verb doesn't conjugate, because in its simplest meaning "I need (something)" we actually use "Treba mi" where "mi" means "to me". If you want to say "You need", it will be "Treba Vam" (formal version) or "Treba ti" (informal version). Therefore, you'll simply change the pronoun as follows:

  • TREBA mi hamburger
  • TREBA ti pica 
  • TREBA mu vino (to him / it = mu)
  • TREBA joj muzika (to her = joj)
  • TREBA  nam restoran (to us =nam)
  • TREBA vam /Vam burek (to you - You = vam/Vam)
  • TREBA im mleko (to them = im)

Secondly, because in Serbian this phrase sounds like the passive in deep structure, the noun always takes a subject case, which is Nominative. (A hamburger is needed to/by me = Treba mi hamburger). Therefore, you don't need to change its form, i.e. no declension :) Lovely! Take a look at the previous examples and the words which follow "Treba ... " phrase. No cases, at all:

  1. hamburger - a hamburger
  2. pica - a pizza
  3. vino - a wine
  4. muzika - music
  5. restoran - a restaurant
  6. burek - burek (a special kind of pie)
  7. mleko - milk
Now, let's practice the pronunciation of this useful phrase together:

1. Šta ti treba? = What do you need?
2. Šta Vam treba? = What do You need? (formal one)
3. Treba mi = I need
4. Ne treba mi = I don't need

Tomorrow, we'll be doing some exercises connected with this video lesson and recording our own XO game :D

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Serbian Language Tests - Locative 1

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book