Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Thursday, November 03, 2016

Pronouns in Serbian in Accusative

In one of the very first posts I created on this blog, there was a list of the keywords when talking about yourself . It was published back in 2008 and you can find it by clicking on this link.

Now, if we use these words in context, we can see how the personal pronouns referring to the same words can be often heard. Let's practice such sentences together!

Masc./Neuter  Sg Nouns in Accusative >>> Corresponding Pronouns (on / ono  >>> ga/njega)

  1. IME = first name.............................................Koje je vaše ime? Možete li da ga ponovite? 
  2. PREZIME = surname.....................................Koje je vaše prezime? Možete li da ga ponovite? 
  3. DEVOJAČKO PREZIME = maiden name....Koje je vaše devojačko prezimee? Možete li da _____ ponovite? 
  4. MESTO ROĐENJA = place of birth...............Gde ste rođeni? Ponovite Vaše mesto rođenja! Možete li da ____ napišete?
  5. DATUM ROĐENJA = date of birth...............Kad ste rođeni? Ponovite Vaše datum rođenja! Možete li da ____ napišete?
  6. PASOŠ = passport.........................................Da li je ovo Vaš pasoš? Dajte mi ___ molim Vas! 

Nouns which are Fem.  Sg in Accusative >>> Corresponding Pronouns (ona  >>> je / nju)
  1. LIČNA KARTA = identity card....................Imate li ličnu kartu? Dajte mi je, molim Vas!
  2. STALNA ADRESA = permanent address....Imate li stalnu adresu? Možete li da __ napišete? 
  3. MEJL ADRESA = e-mail address................Imate li mejl adresu? Možete li da mi __ pošaljete
  4. ZDRAVSTVENA KNJIŽICA = health insurrance...Imate li knjižicu Dajte mi ___, molim Vas!
Masc/Fem/Neut Pl. Nouns in Accusative >>> Corresponding Pronouns (oni/one/ona >>>ih/njih)

  1. PASOŠI...................Imate li pasošE? Molim vas dajte mi ih!
  2. LIČNE KARTE...... Pokažite mi lične karte. Dajte mi ____, molim vas!
  3. IMENA .................. Kako se zovete? Koja su vaša imena? Ajde, ponovite mi ___ polako, molim vas!
  4. MEJL ADRESE.... Hajde da razmenimo mejl adrese! Možete li da mi ___ pošaljete još jednom, molim vas!

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Expanding Serbian Vocabulary - Money Matters

Here comes a  set of commonly used phrases when talking about money and banks:

  1. Trošiti novac (imperfective) // potrošiti (perfective) = to spend (money)
  2. Dobijati (imp) // dobiti (perf) = to get 
  3. Skupljati (imp) // skupiti (perf) = to collect
  4. Bacati (imp) // baciti (perf)= to throw
  5. Štedeti (imp) // uštedeti  (perf)= to save (money)
  6. Davati (imp)// dati (perf) = to give
  7. Pozajmljivati (imp) // pozajmiti  (perf)= to borrow/lend
  8. Zarađivati (imp) // zaraditi (perf) = to earn

To see how to use these verbs and common collocations, read this sad story about Mića and his best man Todor:

Rešenje i prevod:

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Advanced Serbian with Državni Posao - 2

Since Državni posao is quite difficult for lower levels, I'll just post a bunch of simple questions for the more advanced learners of Serbian to choose from.

1. Koja se sve hrana / jela pominju u ovoj seriji?

a. mleko
b. parmezan
c. salata
d. rukola
e. goveđi gulaš
f. eurokrem
g. krastavac
h. limun
i. pivo
j. paprikaš od mladih svraka
k. hleb
l. lovorov list
m. rečna riba
n. gustin

2. Ko je sve "food blogger"?
a. Đorđe Čvarkov
b. Boškićeva mama
c. Žika
d. Fuad Bloger
3. Kako se zove Žikin blog?
a. Majdanpekač
b. Sponzor
c. Kefirpičeta
4. Ko ima sponzore na svom blogu?
a. Mama
b. Baba
c. Šilovićka
d. Žika
5. Koliko košta limun?
a. 100 dinara
b. 200 dinara
c. 400 dinara
d. 500 dinara
6. Koliko Žika dobija novca po baneru? 
a. 10 evra
b. 100 evra
c. 1000 evra
When you are ready, click #read more to check the answers:

Monday, October 31, 2016

Serbian Language with Recipes - Exotic Chicken

In today's "Radni ručak" we can enjoy watching "Piletina lampia" with the chef Samir and  beautiful Milena.

Listen to the video and try to answer the following questions:

1. Jedan sastojak je viška. Koji?

  • piletina
  • crvena paprika
  • tikvica
  • crni luk
  • so
  • pirinač
  • med
  • ananas
  • banana
  • šampinjoni
  • šargarepa
  • pavlaka
  • biber
  • sirće
2. Od čega se sastoji sledeće jelo - koji oblik nije gramatički tačan?
  • od piletine
  • od crvene paprike
  • od tikvice
  • od crnog luka
  • od solija
  • od pirinča
  • od meda
  • od ananasa
  • od banane
  • od šampinjona
  • od šargarepe
  • od pavlake
  • od bibera
  • od sirćeta
3. Koje imenice nedostaju iza glagola koje sam navela?
  • iseći 
  • seći ... na kockice
  • dodati ...
  • staviti ... da se peče
  • iseći ... na krupno
  • iseći ... na pola, pa još na pola
  • iseći ... na sitne kockice
  • dodati ... i papriku na kraju
  • sipati polako ...
  • koristimo neutralnu ... ili ... za kuvanje
  • dodati malo ...
  • kao podlogu ćemo staviti ...
  • dodaćemo još malo ... i to bi bilo to
Answer key:

Monday, October 03, 2016

Furniture in Serbian - Expand your Vocabulary

In the previous month I posted a few exercises for you to practice how to pronounce rooms in a flat in Serbian. There was an exercise to help you write and read the same words both in the  Latin and Cyrillic script. I hope you liked all the exercises.

 Now it's time to expand the vocabulary and learn about the furniture in different rooms. Here comes an exercise with flash cards to help you hear and pronounce the words correctly!

Furniture in Serbian

Games with Furniture in Serbian 

To simply recognize the words, play the Scatter game by pulling the photos over the words or vice versa.

When you are ready to practice writing and actively connecting photos with the words, enjoy playing

As usual, there is a vocabulary game, but this time it's a hangman game based on some of the words from the previous exercises.

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book