Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Showing posts with label Free lessons of Serbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free lessons of Serbian. Show all posts

Monday, April 01, 2013

Easy Serbian Lessons -365 days of Serbian

If you downloaded Serbian 101 e-book, you can easily access the video lessons explaining how to use the verb TO BE and practice both writing and speaking with it:

Uvod = Introduction

Watch the videos and try to pronounce the personal pronouns  and the verb TO BE together.

Video with explanations
To Be - Classroom Practice
Online Exercise 1
 Online Exercise 2

Let me remind you that the previous beginner lessons can be found under Serbian for beginners tag, as well as on SerbianLesson pages.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Parts of Speech - Exercise for Intermediate Level

One of the best ways to expand your Serbian vocabulary is to learn different parts of speech. I know it may sound difficult, but if you approach it as a game, nothing is difficult = ništa nije teško:

Don't forget to revise the previous lessons at the intermediate level!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

365 Days of Serbian Language - Beginner Lesson 3

If you practised the verb TO BE in the Serbian in my previous lessons,  I'm sure this will be an easy task for you:
  1. Mute this video before watching it and try to give / write the correct answers for each button. 
  2. You can write down the answers and then watch the video again and listen to Jeremija giving his responses. 
  3. Has he made any mistakes and if he has, correct the wrong answers (you can write the replies in the comment)

*This is also a smooth intro to the lesson on numbers in Serbian.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Serbian Language Day 10 - Aspect in Serbian

I hope you enjoyed revising the Simple Past in Serbian and wondering why the last lesson was so easy for someone at an intermediate level. The obvious reason is the introduction into this tense, because it'll lead us to the trickiest aspect of the Serbian language:

While in the English language there's an elaborate system of tenses (level of syntax) in order to express whether an action took place, was talking place or has been talking place, in the Serbian language, these distinctions are inferred mainly from the verb, at the lexical level. For example:
  • odmorio (had a rest) or odmarao (was having a rest)
That's why I prepared quite a lot video lessons about Jeremija and Spomenka, and the follow-up exercises, hoping that it'll help you clarify the aspect in Serbian. Let me start with this  difficult one, but if it's too easy, check this one out :)

  • PROBUDITI = to wake up (perfective)
  • BUDITI = to wake up (imperfective)
  • RAZBUDITI = to wake up (perfective)
Kada se obično budiš ? = When do you usually wake up ?
Koliko ti treba vremena da se probudiš ? = How much time does it take for you to wake up ?
Kada si se jutros probudio ? When did you wake up yesterday ?
Jutros sam se probudio u pola šest (5.30) = This morning I woke up at 5.30

In the "she-version", Jeremija made a few mistakes. Here're the correct text:

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Serbian Language Day 9 - Pre-intermediate Course, Lesson 2

You can always revise the simple structures by following the Serbian for Beginner course tag, as well as Serbian Lesson Pages.

In our previous pre-intermediate lesson we covered:
Let's use the similar group of words, this time "places in the city" to express our whereabouts:

  • "Ćao! Gde si ?" = Hi, where are you ?
  • "Zdravo! Sada sam u muzeju. A ti ? " = Hello, I'm in the museum. And you ?
  • "Ja sam na autobuskoj stanicu ! Vidimo se za pet minuta!" = I'm at the square ! See you in five minutes! 

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book