Learn Serbian

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Showing posts with label verb to be in Serbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label verb to be in Serbian. Show all posts

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Serbian 101 - with Language Games


The easiest way to learn has always been through playing games. That's why I am sharing a very simple game about the verb to be in Serbian:

Have fun!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Serbian 102 - To Be in Past in Serbian

To Be in Past in Serbian 

In this story you can learn more about Pepa the Pig - Pepa Prase as a baby and what she did when she was little:
  • Pepa Prase je bila beba. 
  • Pepa i Suzi su bile bebe. 

A Story with TO BE in Past in Serbian

Part 1 - Serbian 101 

Let's do the exercise while watching the first part of the video:


  • Ja sam Pepa Prase = I am Peppa Pig
  • Ovo je moj mali brat Džordž = This is my brother, George
  • Ovo je Mama Prase = This is Mommy Pig
  • Ovo je Tata Prase = This is Daddy Pig

    • Suzi ovca je došla da se igra kod Pepe. = Suzy the sheep came to play with Peppa. 
    • Zdravo Suzi = Hello, Suzy
    • Zdravo Pepa = Hello, Peppa
    • Želim nešto da ti pokažem = Let me show you something
    • Pogledaj ovo = Look at this
    • Šta je to? = What is that?
    • To je fotografija = That is a photo.
    • Da li znaš ko je to? = Do you know who that is?
    • To je beba ovca?  = Is that a baby sheep?
    • To sam ja. = That is me.
    • Ti nisi beba. = You are not a baby.
    • To je stara slika. Tada sam bila beba. = This is an old photo. Then I was a baby.
    • Ma ne budi šašava, Suzi. = Don't be silly, Suzy.
    • Nekada pre čak  si i ti bila beba. = Some time before. even you were a baby, too. 
    • Ne, nisam.  = No, I wasn't!
    • Da, jesi. Pitaj svoju mamu! = Yes, you were. Ask your mom!

Part 2 - Serbian 102 


  • Mama, Suzi ne zna šta priča. = Mom, Suzy doesn't know what she is talking about.
  • Da, znam. = Yes, I know.
  • Ona mi kaže da sam nekada i ja bila beba. = She tells me that I was a baby once.
  • Da i  jesi bila, Pepa. Vidi, imam neke slike na računaru. Šta misliš, ko je to? = Yes, you were, Peppa. Look, I have some photos on the computer. What do you think , who is that?
  • To je beba Aleksandar. (Aleksandar je Pepin rođak) = That is a baby Alexander.
  • Ne, to si ti kao beba, Pepa. (Beba - Pepa) = No, that is you, as a baby, Peppa.
  • Vidi tata, to je moja slika kada sam bila beba. = Look, daddy, that is my photo when I was a baby.
  • Toga se dobro sećam. Slikali smo te kada smo se uselili u ovu kuću. = I remember it well. We took photos when we moved into this house.
  • Kako to misliš? = What do you mean?
  • Kada si bila beba, preselili smo se ovde. Sve stvari smo preneli na našem automobilu. Mama prase je okačila neke slike. = When you are a baby, we moved in here. All the things we carried in our car. Mommy Pig put up some paintings.
  • Tata prase je okačio policu, a deka prase nam je zasadio divnu baštu. = Daddy Pig set up a bookcase, and Grandpa Pig planted a wonderful garden.
  • A gde je sada dekino lepo cveće, mama? =Mom, where is the grandpa's beautiful flowers now?

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Serbian 101 - Glagol BITI

Glagol BITI - značenje (meaning)

Even if you are really familiar with the verb to be in Serbian, let's simply review what we know with tthese fun exercises:

Glagol BITI - vežbe (exercise)

Glagol BITI - igre (games)

Glagol BITI - additional exercises

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Word Order with Past Tense of To Be

If you liked the video and the follow-up exercises I recently published, it's time for you to do revise it and practice pronunciation:

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Learning Serbian Efortlessly

Let's learn the past tense form of "She was" in Serbian the easy way: BILA JE with this beautiful song, step by step:

Now, an exercise:

If you would like to get all my video lessons with explanations in English, translations and additional exercises like the ones above, in the meaningful order, consider joining me on Patreon. HVALA! 

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