Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Thursday, June 09, 2011

Genetive in Serbian Language - Lesson 1

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Most Beautiful Poems in Serbian Language

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Serbian Verb "Wake up" in Context

Kada se obično budite radnim danom?
A vikendom?
Kada ste se juče probudili ?

Friday, June 03, 2011

Practise Serbian Cyrillic Script

Friday, May 27, 2011

"Vukova crtanka" - part two

The previous post with Serbian proverbs and sayings covered letters from A to Đ, and now we continue from E to Ž:
1. E, darovnome konju zubi se ne gledaju (Don't look a gift horse in the mouth) - nowadays we tend to say "Poklonu se u zube ne gleda" (obviously the word "horse" is omitted, which makes this modern version a bit funny, but it's widely used)
2. E, da sam juče umro ne bih to danas čuo
(literally: If I'd died yesterday I wouldn't hear it today)
3. E, dok jednom ne smrkne, drugom ne svane
(the death of the wolves is the safety of the sheep) -here's the fun definition 
4. E, dok se čovek dima ne nadimi, ne može se ogrejati.
(you must take the rough with the smooth)

Ž ( Ж is my favourite letter in the Cyrillic script)
1- Žena muža nosi na licu, a muž ženu na košulji
(literally: "A wife wears a man on her face, and a husband wears his wife on his shirt", which obviously mean that one can judge how a husband treats his wife by looking at her face, while one can judge how a wife takes care of her husband by looking at his shirt)
2. Žedna preko vode prevesti
(pull the wool over sombody's eyes)
3. Žena će samo onu tajnu sačuvati koju ne zna
(a woman can keep only the secret which she doesn't know)
4. Ženi sina kad hoćeš, a ćerku kad  možeš
(Marry your son when you will, your daughter when you can)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oluja u Novom Sadu

My friend Gale takes such lovely photos, so I recently  asked him to allow me to use them in this blog. I was happy when he agreed. That's why I'm sending Gale a huge HVALA :-)

I'll start with the yesterday photos of the streets of Novi Sad, after the storm:

oluja = storm
kiša = rain
grad (with very short "a") = hail
poplava = flood
automobil = car
taksi = taxi

TASK - answer the following questions
(you can write your answers in the comments)
1. Šta vidiš na slici?
2. Kakvo je vreme bilo juče u Novom Sadu (na osnovu slike) ?
3. Da li je grad bio poplavljen ?
4. Kakvi sve problemi mogu da se jave posle ovakvog nevremena ?
5. Da li ti se sviđa vreme u Srbiji ? Zašto ?
6. Da li voliš kada grmi i seva ? Zašto?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Verbs of Movement in Locative, Dative and Accusative Case in Serbian Language

In the Serbian language, one can express location using the verbs which require nouns in different cases.
The dative and locative case have the same form, but wheras the dative case needs a verb which  denotes movement and direction, the locative case requires a stative verb or verbs expressing who we are talking about 
Sg. Fem. Kreni prema kući. Prilazim crkvi. (krenuti prema = leave for, prilaziti = approach)
Sg. Masc. Idi ka Beogradu. Kreni prema muzeju. (ići prema, krenuti prema)
Sg. Neuter. Idi ka selu. Krećemo se ka jezeru.  (ići ka, kretati ka = "ka" is the same as "prema")
Plural: Prilazimo + kućama, crkvama, jezerima, selima, muzejima
Sg. Fem. Sedim u kući. Ja sam u crkvi. (sedeti u = sit in )
Sg. Masc. On priča o Briselu. (pričati = to talk)
Sg. Neuter. Nalazim se u selu. (nalaziti se  = to be in/at)
Plural: Pričam o + kućama, crkvama, oblacima, dvorištima, selima (I'm talking about houses, churches, clouds, gardens and villages)

The accusative case is also used with the verbs which denote movement, but it denotes the aim  or goal, as can be seen in the following examples:
Sg. Fem. Idem u Budimpeštu. Ptica sleće na granu. (ići u = go to, sleteti=land)
Sg. Masc. Izađi pred muzej.  Avion sleće na aerodrom. (izađi pred = come to, sleteti)
Sg. Neuter. Izađi u dvorište. Stigli smo na selo. (stići = arrive)
Pl. Fem: Ptice sleću na grane. 
Pl. Masc. Izađi pred muzeje.
Pl. Neuter. Reka teče kroz sela. 

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book