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Showing posts with label present simple in Serbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label present simple in Serbian. Show all posts

Saturday, August 03, 2013

How to Use the Serbian Conjugator ?

If you've practised the Accusative form of the nouns and pronouns with the video in the previous post, it's time to expand your confidence onto the verbs which require a noun/pronoun in this case. With all the listed nouns (TV, pegla, mobilni telefon, mašina za veš ...), the following verbs, properly conjugated, will make sense:
  • videti (to see) Present Tense conjugations: Sg: vidIM, vidIŠ, vidI Pl: vidIMO, vidITE, vidE           Past Tense : Sg: videO, videLA, videLO Pl: videLI, videLE, videLA
  • gledati (to watch) gledAM, gledAŠ, gledA - gledAMO, gledATE, gledAJU ( for the following verbs you'll see only: PRESENT Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -ju and for the PAST Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la )
  • imati (to have)  Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -ju (imaJU) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • koristiti (to use) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (koristE) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • raditi (to work) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (rade) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • popravljati (to fix) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -ju (popravljaju) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • uključiti (to turn on) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (uključe) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • isključiti (to turn off) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (isključe) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • kupiti (to buy) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (kupe) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • prodati (to sell) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (prodate) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • vratiti (to return) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (vrate) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • (po)kvariti se (to break down) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (pokvare) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
  • baciti (to throw away) Sg: -m/-š/- Pl: -mo / -te / -e (bace) Past: Sg. -o/-la/-lo Pl. -li/-le/-la
If you are a beginner in Serbian, let's focus on the present simple tense and practise conjugating out loud with the:

Present tense examples:
  • Imam telefon, ali GA ne gledam.
  • Moj brat ima mašinu za sudove i često JE koristi.
If you are at an intermediate level, I guess that dealing with the past simple won't be much of the problem. The idea of this blog post is to encourage you to become more fluent and confident. That's why you can simply learn/revise past simple in Serbian and make a few similar sentences like in the example:

Past tense examples:
  • Kupili smo mobilni telefon i čim smo GA uključili, odmah se pokvario.
  • Moj sin je popravio peglu i kada sam videla kako dobro radi bacila sam JE. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Verb Conjugations in Serbian - "To Think = Misliti"

If you are interested in conjugations of other verbs in different tenses, feel free to leave a comment with your wish :-)

All the conjugations can be seen either on our http://skolasrpskog.com/learnserbian-podcast "Your Reference" pages or via our Video Channel on Youtube

If you are just a beginner, I'd recommend you join our monthly newsletter called Aktivator and make the most of our weekly meetings and access to the hidden pages.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Questions and conjugations in Serbian

Present tense verb conjugations
-AM group ("-am" for 1st person Sg)

1. Kada obično ručaš? Obično ručam u tri.
When do you usually have lunch - I usually have lunch at 3.
KADA = when
RUČATI = have lunch/dinner

2. Kada obično večeraš? Obično večeram u 7.
When do you usually have dinner? I usually have dinner at 7.
OBIČNO - usually
VEČERATI = have dinner/supper

3. Gde obično večeraš? Večeram u kuhinji.
Where do you usually have dinner? I have dinner in the kitchen.
GDE = where
KUHINJA = kitchen (u kuhinjI- in the kitchen)

4. Gde obično gledaš televiziju? Ne gledam televiziju.
where do you usually watch TV? I don't watch TV.
GLEDATI = to watch
TELEVIZIJA = television (gledam televizijU)

5. Koliko često čitaš knjige? Čitam knjige vikendom, kad imam vremena.
How often do you read books? I read books at weekends, when I have time.
KOLIKO ČESTO = how often
ČITATI = read
KNJIGE = books
VIKEND = weekend (vikendOM = at weekends)
IMATI = to have (imaM = I have)
VREME = time (imam vremena = I have time)

All the verbs in this group have these endings:

I = JA PEVAM - am,
YOU = TI PEVAŠ - aš,


other verbs from this group:
čekati, čitati, duvati, gledati, igrati, imati, izgledati, mešati, obožavati, padati

A good idea for an exercise:
Use the first 5 sentences and start each one with
a. On
b. Mi
c. Vi
d. Oni

-IM group - Video practice:

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Exercise your tenses in Serbian :D

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Present Tense Conjugation in Serbian

April u __________ by Zdravko Čolić

Listen to this lovely song and fill in the gaps. In order to be able to determine the right form, the corresponding subjects are highlighted red. If you need more info or practice on "u + location", check out the new blog post about the Locative case.

______________ (prolaziti) i ______________ (vraćati) se s lastama
Sunčani i nasmijani dani
_________ (biti) u mojoj duši proljeće,
da l'
_________ (biti) djevojka il' žena sada ti?

April u Beograd__ uzaludno
(ja) ______________ (tražiti)
Usne jedne djevojke sto se divno
______________ (maziti)April u Beograd_ ____________ (milovati) joj kosu
Ispod Savskog mosta
to ____________ (biti) možda ona
Al' je
drugi _______________ (ljubiti). ______________ (prolaziti) i ______________ (vraćati) se s lastama
Sunčani i nasmijani dani
_________ (biti) u mojoj duši proljeće,
da l'
_________ (biti) djevojka il' žena sada ti?

April u Beograd__ jedno prošlo doba
(ja)_______________ (nositi) ga u mislima iz vojnickih soba
April u Beograd__ umorno se
______________ (smešiti)
Ispod savskog mosta dok se sumrak ___________ (spremati)
vise mene
_______________ (nemati).

Locative in Serbian

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter if an answer is giving you trouble. You can also click on the "[?]" button to get a clue. Note that you will lose points if you ask for hints or clues!
Part one:

Prolaze i vraćaju se s (with sparrows)
Sunčani i nasmijani (plural of "day" = dan)
opet je u proljeće, (my soul)
da l' si djevojka il' sada ti? (woman)


April u (Belgrade) uzaludno tražim
Usne jedne djevojke sto se divno mazi.
April u (Belgrade) miluje joj (hair in Acc.)
Ispod savskog mosta to je možda (she)
Al' je drugi ljubi.

Part one again

Chorus (a bit changed):
April u , jedno prošlo (age)
nosim ga u (thoughts) iz vojničkih soba
April u umorno se smeši
Ispod savskog mosta dok se (dusk) sprema
više mene nema.

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