Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Vocabulary Practice with Easy Serbian Texts

Serbian exercises
 If you would like to practice vocabulary used in my first book about things we can see on a farm, I'd suggest you do the following exercises in this order:
If you would like to do the same exercises in the Cyrillic script, here comes the same set of exercises: 
Serbian Cyrillic

Monday, July 01, 2019

Easy to Read Serbian - Prva knjiga

I am happy to present you my first Easy to read Serbian named "Šta možemo da vidimo na selu" book which consists of three parts:
  • First part written in Serbian Latin alphabet
  • Second part written in Serbian Cyrillic script
  • Third part with an exercise both in both alphabets
I have also recorded a video where you can listen to me all three parts of the book.  
I would appreciate your honest feedback and suggestions as to which topics you would like me to cover in the future. 
Have fun!
Many thanks to my patrons who continually support me in creating Serbian language learning materials and who give me invaluable feedback!

Friday, March 22, 2019

Adjectives in Genitive Exercise

Let me tell you how I can make the exercises about Tesla's letters can be even more complicated: I'll add the following adjectives in the same text and make it a task. Of course, before doing this task, let us review the forms of Adjectives in Genitive:
The Adjectives which we are going to be used in front of some of the nouns are as follows:
  • Pridevi uz osobe: pametan - čuven - poznat
  • Pridevi uz zemlju / kraljevinu: čuven - star
  • Pridevi uz reč muzej (Adligat): veliki - mali - poznat - dosadan - bogat - siromašan
  • Pridevi uz godine / dane: davni - prošli - sledeći

Endings for Adjectives in Genitive

Sg. Masc.-OG, example: od čuvenOG glumca
Sg. Neut .-OG, example: od lepOG odela
Sg. Fem.-E, example: od čuvenE glumice

Pl. all genders - IH: od lepIH glumAca, od lepIH glumica, iz lepIH sela

Adjectives in Genitive Exercise


If you would like to receive more lessons like this one, consider joining my Patreon blog.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Giving advice in Serbian

Here comes a very simple exercise, based on two short texts. Hope you'll be able to do it perfectly well:

Asking for Advice in Serbian

Giving Advice in Serbian

Friday, March 15, 2019

Serbian 701 - Exercises with Episode 5

Nadam se da ste uživali radeći prethodne vežbe i lekcije iz serije Srpski 701. Današnja epizoda je posvećena korupciji i od poslednja dva minuta sam vam napravila nekoliko vežbi.

PRVI KORAK: Odgledati poslednji deo epizode pet i isključiti zvuk. Dok gledate video opišite:

  • 1. šta vidite
  • 2. koga vidite
  • 3. šta mislite da oni rade i kako se osećaju
DRUGI KORAK: Pokušajte da uradite narednu vežbu BEZ slušanja

TREĆI KORAK: Sada odslušajte video još jednom i dopunite/popravite prazna polja koja su ostala
Za još vežbi i ideja za lekcije na različitim nivoima, pratite moj blog na Patreonu. Hvala!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Passive in Serbian - Lesson with Exercise

The original version of the article can be found on Blic. The text for this lesson is slightly changed:

You can practice reading with me and you can do the following exercise:

Saturday, March 09, 2019

Let's Learn Past Tense of To Work and Become

Let's learn a set of useful phrases with this website showing what some celebrities had done for a living before they became famous.

For the video with the detailed explanations and translations, check out my Patreon page.

 Exercise with Verb Worked in Serbian

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Modal Verb Can in Serbian

Here comes a video lesson for my students at Serbian 102 course, dedicated to the verb MOĆI = CAN. We practiced this earlier today, so you can practice with us. 

After watching the video again, I am sure you will remember most of the things, so that you will be able to do the following tasks yourself:  
Uživajte učeći = Have fun learning :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Advanced Serbian - Fun Serbian Customs

One of the customs in Serbia is to tear (cepati / pocepati) the shirt worn by the father who is celebrating his baby's birth. If you watched "Jutro će promeniti sve", you'll surely remember the scene with two fathers in torn shirts or t-shirts (pocepan(im) košulja(ma) ili majica(ma)).

One must wonder what is the origin of such a funny custom and I am sharing today with you a few answers to this question, which is of course in the form of an exercise. You just need to fill in the gaps with missing prepositions and enjoy reading the text. If you are not sure about the answers, you can first read the same text on Blic.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Advanced Serbian - Buildings, City Life and Urbanism

Advanced Serbian će biti serija video priloga uz koje ćete moći da čujete lep srpski jezik, proširite i obogatite vokabular uživajući u raznovrsnim temama.

Prvi u ovom nizu će biti naredni video od pet sati  koji će vam otkriti prelepe zgrade Beograda, kao i zaboravljene priče iz davnih, i ne tako davnih vremena. Sigurna sam da ćete uživati uz živopisne detalje i korisne kolokacije koje ću podeliti s vama putem vežbi u narednim javljanjima.

Monday, January 07, 2019

How to Say Merry Christmas in Serbian

Merry Christmas in Serbian 

Merry Christmas in Serbian

The best way to congratulate Christmas in Serbian is by saying:
For more information, interesting video lessons, songs and facts about Christmas in Serbia, check out my posts about Božić from the previous years!

Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Serbian Cyrillic Game

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book