Learn Serbian

Learning Serbian with exercises, video lessons and online courses

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Monday, September 05, 2022

Serbian 801 - Jutro će promeniti sve, Filip

Serbian 801 

Fokus kursa Serbian 801 je rad na vokabularu, učenju najčešćih kolokacija i fraza, kao i konotacije. Najbolji način da učite jezik na ovom nivou je da slušate filmove, serije i pesme na srpskom. Idealno bi bilo da dođete u Srbiju i da počnete da živite u Srbiji :) 

Jedna od tema na ovom kursu je svakako odlična serija "Jutro će promeniti sve"  koja realno prikazuje život mladih na ovim prostorima. Danas sam napravila vežbu na osnovu kratkog video snima gde glumac Nikola Rakočević priča o liku kojeg tumači - o Filipu:

Listening Exercise 

Korisne fraze

  1. TUMAČITI lik
  2. NAĆI smisao
  3. PREVAZIĆI temu 
  4. BITI društveno prihvaćen 
  5. PRIČINJAVATI zadovoljstvo
  6. OSEĆATI nešto kao uspeh
  7. BORITI se za slobodu
  8. BITI iskren prema sebi 
  9. PRIHVATITI sebe 
  10. POBEĆI od stvari koje te sputavaju 
  11. POKRENUTI ljude 

Monday, August 15, 2022

Serbian 102 - Locative Exercises

Today we are practicing how to say where you are in Serbian with the following words: 

Places in City in Serbian

  1. BANK: Banka - u banci 
  2. CHURCH: Crkva - u crkvi 
  3. BUILDING: Zgrada - u zgradi
  4. GALLERY: Galerija - u galeriji 
  5. PHARMACY: Apoteka - u apoteci 
  6. MUSEUM: Muzej - u muzeju
  7. PARKING: Parking - na parkingu
  8. AERODROM: Aerodrom - na aerodromu 

Gde ste? Where are you?

Time to practice pronunciation

Serbian 102 - Locative Exercises

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Most Common Serbian Phrases

What are the most common Serbian phrases you should keep using when learning Serbian?

From the very first lesson try to use the most common phrases in Serbian to ask for the meaning of the word, or to simply respond "I don't know". Let me list a few useful phrases:

  • da - yes
  • ne - no
  • kako se kaže - how do you say
  • znači - means
  • šta znači "pica"? - what does "pizza" mean?
  • hamburger znači "hamburger" - hamburger means "hamburger"
  • ne razumem - I don't understand
  • ne znam - I don't know
  • znam - I know
  • razumem - I understand
  • levo - left
  • desno - right 
  • baš - really
  • nema problema - no problem

Serbian Phrases with Pronunciation

Here comes a super easy and fun video lesson with these phrases:


Exercises which follow these Serbian Phrases  

Let me share with you the exercise which I was doing while making this video. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

How to Say Thank You in Serbian?

 Serbian THANK YOU Phrases  

Today we are practicing easy Serbian THANKING phrases with the bunch of nouns. The idea of the exercise is to properly connect HVALA NA and the following words:

  • poklon 
  • pokloni
  • burek
  • voda
  • pivo 
  • jabuke
  • sve

Primer: Hvala na poklonu vs. Hvala na poklonima

For the full featured video with the pronunciation as well as how to play the games, join the free  SerbianPhrases Course at easy.SerbianPhrases.com  :)

Exercises with Serbian Thank You Phrases

Speaking Exercise - Video lesson 

 For more fun Serbian language apps, check out LING APP ! Have fun!  

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Practicing Serbian with Songs - Part 2

Practicing Serbian with Songs 

In the previous blog post you practiced Serbian with the song Donesi vina, krčmarice! Now I am adding the second part to it, a new exercise and a list of words to practice with this song

Practicing Serbian Word Order with Songs 

Practicing Vocabulary Serbian Songs 

  1. Doneti = to bring 
  2. Donesi = bring! informal
  3. Donesite = bring! formal or plural
  4. Vino = wine 
  5. Krčmarica = waitress arch. (Voc. case - krčmarice)
  6. Rumen = red, flush 
  7. lice = face 
  8. Daj = give! informal 
  9. Dajte = give! formal or plural
  10. piti = to drink (pijem = first person sg in present simple)
  11. tuga = sorrow 
  12. razbiti = to break, shatter 
  13. srce = heart
  14. boleti = to hurt
  15. hteti = to want/ will (hoću, hoćeš, hoće - sg. present simple)
  16. izgoreti = to burn (izgorim, izgoriš, izgori - sg. present simple)
  17. ružica = ruža = rose
  18. oči = eyes 
  19. crn = black 
  20. žeravica = ember 
  21. celo selo = The whole village
  22. zaneti se = to get carried away
  23. svi = everybody  
  24. Bog = god
  25. Bože = Voc case of Bog 
  26. stvoriti = To create (što je stvori =why have you created her)
  27. mlad = young 
  28. momak = young man
  29. mučiti = to torture
  30. moriti = to torture/torment 

Exercises with These Words 

Match Exercise

Flashcards Exercise

Test Exercise

Saturday, January 01, 2022

Serbian Songs with Exercises

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Serbian 301 - Impersonal se

Exercise with Impersonal SE in Serbian

Video Lesson - Serbian 301

Monday, November 08, 2021

Serbian 401 - Aspect in Serbian

Since there aren't many exercises on perfective and imperfective aspect in Serbian, I'll share all my video lessons and exercises for you to practice. 

Aspect in Serbian - Short Explanation

The easiest way to see the difference and the most frequent forms are to contrast present and past tense in Serbian. 

Aspect in Serbian - Trošiti vs Potrošiti  

  1. The Perfective Aspect of the verbs in Serbian shows most naturally in the past tense, denoting the finished action: Potrošila sam puno novca na kompjuter (I have spent /I spent a lot of money on the computer)
  2. The Imperfective Aspect shows clearly in the present tense, showing duration: Dok ti štediš novac, ja ga trošim (While you are saving money, I am spending it) - HOWEVER, it can be used for regular actions and habits as well: koliko novca trošiš svakog mesec? (how much money do you spend each month) 

Aspect in Serbian - Video Exercise

Therefore, this word order exercise is dedicated only to this clear PRESENT/PAST distinction 

For more, make sure you follow Serbian 301 and 401 posts!

Aspect in Serbian - Word order Exercise

Monday, October 25, 2021

Learn Serbian by Singing - Ne vredi plakati

With so many youtube videos with beautiful Serbian songs being deleted, I somehow stopped creating blog posts covering this topic, although I keep using songs in my lessons on a regular basis. However, with a new tool at hand, I'll be able to recreate all my song-exercises and post them on my server with exercises based on the lyrics. 

Learn Serbian by Singing - Ne vredi plakati

Let me start with the beautiful song "It's not worth crying" - NE VREDI PLAKATI, Zvonko Bogdan

Exercises with Serbian Songs

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Serbian 201 - Comparatives

 Here comes a series of videos and exercises dedicated to comparison in Serbian:

Comparatives in Serbian 

Let's start with comparatives in Serbian. Watch the video and then try to play the games yourself:

Playing Games with Comparatives in Serbian

Stižu i linkovi za ostale vežbe:

4. Gravity 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Tic Tac Toe Serbian - Useful Phrases

Tic Tac Toe Serbian - Useful Phrases

Useful Phrases in Serbian

In this video lesson we are learning some most important phrases which will help us to keep speaking in Serbian:

  • Šta znači ... ? = What does ... mean?
  • Kako se kaže ...? = How  do you say ...?
  • Ne razumem = I don't understand
  • Razumem = I understand
  • Znam = I know
  • Ne znam = I don't know

Exercises with Useful Phrases

You can also have fun printing the fun sheets I have created for you.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Serbian 801 - Advanced Serbian

Današnja lekcija je na temu knjiških moljaca koji obožavaju da čitaju i preporučuju knjige putem Instagrama i Jutjuba. Zbog toga ih zovu Bukstagrameri i Buktjuberi. Video na ovu temu možete prvo pogledati, pa potom pokušati da rešite naredne dve vežbe.

Advanced Serbian with Video Lesson 

Advanced Serbian with Exercises

Advanced Serbian with Video Exercise

Advanced Serbian - Srpski kao drugi jezik

Gde je ključ? Где је кључ? - Učimo srpski sa Marinom
Gde je ključ? ...
Where is the Key?-...
By Marina Petrović
Photo book